56. It Hurts, It Hurts!

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"I had warned you earlier about approaching Niel with your horny intentions. You asked for the beating on purpose."

"I can't deny that my dear sweet Yeon. He did go berserk on me without holding back." Elric laughed then looked around, as if hoping no one was watching them. On seeing that, Yeon followed mirrored his actions and inquired if he'd been hoping for Niel to pop out of nowhere.

"I doubt he'll be looking for me since I'm the one crowned as the chaser. I enjoy my hunts especially when they play hard to get like your dear Niel. He'll come around soon. I'm more concerned of your bodyguard's wherebouts at this time of the night. You never leave his sight."

"I've been avoiding him all day without success. I was happy when you two went surfing in the morning but then he came to look for me for the boat ride afterwards. I haven't managed to avoid him until now so do not even mention his name again or he might show up out of the blue."

Elric laughed at Yeon's remark. It was true Stan had been monopolizing Yeon the entire time all to himself and knowing Yeon, an individual who found peace in solitude, he must feel suffocated having Stan around him all the time.

"I'd hoped you'd enjoy his company now that you two are fated..." Elric's statement brought Yeon to a halt and he stared ahead for a while then started looking around again. He admired the beauty of the villa and enjoyed how the palm trees swayed in the night with the ocean breeze. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath enjoying the feel of nature, the scent of flowers next to the mini shed they'd just passed, the sound of ocean waves splashing on the corals. Opening his eyes slowly, he looked at the beach and noticed just how much water had moved away...with the tide this low under a beautiful moon in the night, he felt at peace.

Looking back at Elric who'd also stopped and had been staring at him in confusion, he giggled and spoke. "This is what I enjoy the most. We used to go walking every morning whenever you'd come check on me at Stan's parents' home. You know how much I love nature."

Starting to walk again, Yeon added. "While in campus, I visited the agriculture club a lot and helped out in the garden. I do not enjoy gardening but I loved the scent of flowers...the sound of small birds tweeting in the branches and chirping of crickets. Often times, one can't pay much attention to such small things when they are talking to someone, or having another hovering around them. We tend to overlook such small things since we become distracted in small talk.

You do not try to monopolize me. You let me be me and enjoy the things I like doing. Stan on the other hand wants me to change...or rather I feel compelled to change because of him. He makes me feel like I'm erasing myself gradually by constantly wanting us to do everything together including breathing together..."

Yeon's comment made Elric burst out laughing. "You're a funny one Yeon, I wonder how you will survive a lifetime with your fated. Stan is very possesive of the things he loves and you happen to be the one he loves the most."

"I know..." Yeon laughed at his own predicament before adding. "They say there is a reason fated are fated after all. Stan in some way has his on version of peace or calm. He is like a storm, often loosing his temper unnecessarily but I can't tell if having me around changed that part of him. For my case, whenever I take in his scent, I feel like I've been elevated or teleported to my happy place....it's kind of hard to put describing a scent into words however, the night of my kidnapping, I remember that feeling vaguely. It felt as if I almost could recognize it however, often times whenever I'd look at Stan, I wanted to wage war with him. He represented an individual coming to disrupt my peace, with his unfiltered tongue lashing. Therefore, I never noticed his scent yet the first time I went into heat at the campus' main entrance, I somehow recognized his scent but he was not the one who gave me peace. My representation of the one who made me feel at peace was another."

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