134. A Time To Act

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Stan's parents lay sprawled on the floor. It had been quite an eventful night. Upon Yeon's and Stan's return the previous day, Yeon had succumbed to heat uncontrollably that Stan had to seek the help of his parents before he too was overpowered by Yeon's scent. Even after administering a heat suppressant, Yeon still continued to let out large volumes of scent that he had to be separated from Stan for sometime.

In his trance, it appeared that something was not right. While in heat, he seemed to murmur the word 'stop' repetitively which prompted Stan to believe his fated's heat to be abnormal.

"What happened between him and Mora?" Stan asked himself over and over but couldn't bring himself to think of something. According to Mora, Yeon seemed drunk and indeed, his breath had alcohol in it yet instead of his usual overpowering self when intoxicated, he'd got into heat, the kind of heat that seemed even painful for him, accompanied by his eyes returning to a constant luminous red similar to the time he was marked multiple times. 

"Something is not right. We've already administered first aid but still, he is letting out scent. Get intouch with your brother honey."

"I've been trying to reach him while you tended to Yeon and Stan but he isn't contactable including his wife."

"This feels like dejavu. Remember when Yeon first came to live with us and was having nightmares? It's the same scenario except this time, he is trapped in a nightmare while in heat. It must be torturous."

"Do you have his blood samples?"

"Done. I've kept them downstairs but we can't test on them. We need your brother or another doctor for fated mates to handle it. This is frustrating really. I had thought Yeon to be fully recovered. Stan has to tell us exactly what happened."

"He seems distraught. Do you really think he is in his right mind to talk now?"

"When I asked him earlier, he said something that made my blood turn cold. That the way Yeon was acting reminded him of how he'd found him for the first time after his attack. Trapped in both heat and pain."

"That is not good." Looking his partner, dad Joss asked. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Don't even think about it honey. If we test Yeon's blood we risk finding ourselves in prison. It's beyond our jurisdiction."

"What could be so different from testing on a fated mate as opposed to pairs?'

"It's not our specialty! Call your brother again!"

"Honey, I can do this! The longer we wait... Argh! I've had it! Enough with calling him!"

"Calm down will you! We need to act calmly and not make decisions on a whim! Your brother has a special license added to his doctoral qualifications specific to fated mates! If you carry out the test, we break our oath!"

"What if Mora did something?"

"Then we contact Elric's mother and have her provide us with some form of emergency approval as back up..." Dad Robin stopped speaking upon his partner reaching for his cellphone. It rang for a while before Elric's mother picked up.

"We have a problem."

"It's- too early in the morning..."

"I think Mora has made her move on Yeon."

Elric's mother sounded exhausted. "We must have woken her up." Dad Robin whispered. 

"Loudspeaker!" Dad Joss whispered back, pointing at his phone.

"I can hear you both. What happened?"

Dad Robin's reply was instant. "Yeon and Stan came in late yesterday and Yeon appeared somewhat drugged and intoxicated. As per our diagnosis, he is trapped between having his heat and a nightmare at the same time but we can not have his blood tested without a special permission. We have to receive authorization from the ministry of health for pairs to test on fateds."

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