97. The Face of Ugly

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"Do not utter a single word in defense to that dimwitted brother of yours. Luck has already favored him that he hasn't lost his mind yet after years of consuming that dangerous drug. See...I warned you but you wouldn't listen! Your father must have had a hand in his recent recovery. I also forbid you to see that girl again! Your father is watching us. I'm certain of it."
"Mother you're acting insane!"

"I taught you well enough to always be a thousand steps ahead of your enemies and two thousand more steps ahead of your friends."

"I did everything you asked..."

"Our situation is precarious my dear daughter. Never disobey me again."

"All of us are unredeemable anyways, our actions incorrigible. The only person who doesn't deserve this suffering is brother."

"I wish to forget him but you remind me of him every single moment!"

"I will not partake in any more suffering brought to brother. Grandmama has promised to shelter us from this storm after this situation subsides."

"This will never end. This is just another case that your father will maneuver his way out of. What nonsense. Grandmama?"

"Grandmama is our only option mother! How much alcohol did you consume really..?"

"Look at me! You ungrateful child! Do you think I was married to your father for love? No! It was to hide his secret! You should have met his frightening great grandparents, no one was allowed to have children unless they were women, but your father had to go and get pregnant. I was forced to hide that from everyone...pretending to be the one that bore your brother! I despise that boy to the core! That wretched boy grew up calling me mother! Mother! And my family forcing him to me!"


"Bankrupt cunning fools that only played their way into my parents life because of their presumed good name! Fine match they said....your marriage would ensure success and the stocks will shoot up, they said. Little did I know this marriage was all about survival for the fittest."

"Thats why we need to start over after the dust settles."

"I suspected you'd say that, seeing that you're my flesh and blood. My dear daughter, I apologize for putting a lot of weight on your shoulders but this family never was to begin with."

"You remind me that everyday."

"Do you know what happened when I discovered your father pregnant with your wretched brother? He strangled me until I collapsed. When I woke up, he'd locked me up and brought in the same man that impregnated him to introduce him as his lover. I rebelled thinking I'd be set free but he only laughed at my empty threats. Days in that room turned into weeks, then months. No one looked for me not even my own family. Then one day, your father paid me a visit with another who marked me, taking away my imprint. They were hoping I knew where my family kept their wealth and turns out, they got what they wanted. My jeweleries gifted to me were my most priced possesion, enough to fund your father's investments to secure his future and that of his bastard son. But then, I discovered I was pregnant. Your father had you inseminated into me. Turns out, before we were married and his penis lost it's purpose after his marking, he was smart enough to save some parts of himself that made you you. You my daughter are the only good thing that man has ever done to me. His parents investigated the authenticity of my pregnancy afterwars and it was then that I was allowed back to visit my parents. They knew you were the only acceptable heir of us two so they began to care a little. To date, it still surprises me how my parents insisted I stay in marriage to save face, a decision they regreted years later that has taken me long enough to forgive them for."

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