81. Paying The Pauper

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"I met with Yeon and Stan a few days ago. They look happy together. Turns out, I was right from the start about senior Yeon's character...he is quite innocent you see, honestly answering questions from those he doesn't owe an explanation just from a simple pressure." Mora laughed at the memory of Yeon's reaction and the discomfort he saw in his eyes, constantly glancing at Stan for help.

Mijin was following Mora quietly behind. She'd invited her for the first time to their family home, a place she'd never thought to set foot in. She did her best not to seem impressed at how the place boasted of extravagance despite the temptation of tilting her head to admire the artworks on the wall. She assumed they must have purchased from very renowned artists, or perhaps got them through money laundering yet despite her mesmerism, she concluded she'd hate living in a place as such. It felt suffocating...so constricting...almost dull.

It felt dark.

"Mijin, there is no need for you to be frightened by me. I'm still the same person you see." Mora said cheerfully and upon reaching the door in front of them, she stopped and looked back at Mijin. "I'm going to protect you from now on. The thought of Yeon being harmed puts me in a shitty mood. It does bother me as well when I have to crave the need to do interesting things to him. That's why you are here..."

"What do you mean, and just so you know, I'm not going to sleep with you. I made that very cleary Mora from the very start."

"Oh I got that from you loud and clear repeatedly." Mora nodded as she gestured for Mijin to enter the room and pointed at a seat close by.

The room was quite large however it only had a few furnitures in it. A roundtable with four chairs and a three sitter sofa on the corner. It appeared dimly lit but Mora adjusted the intensity to fully bright upon noticing Mijin's nervousness.

Taking a seat in front of Mijin, Mora responded. "We live in a prejudiced world. No one can live life the way they dream to and if one wishes to achieve anything, one has to be willing to have sheer determination to get what they want, even if it means adjusting their morals and values to the injustices of this world. I've told you times without number to use me but you've refused..."

"What the heck are you blabbering about?" Mijin couldn't contain her anxiety any longer. Upon discovering Mora's true self, the act she was playing in front of her made her tremble, a feeling she knew Mora was aware of despite her hiding it so well. "Is this why you kept calling me constantly to meet up in this location?"

"I asked you before more than three years ago that I could help you and my brother be together but you refused my help, looking at me like some inexperienced child. I can't blame your former mindset. My timid appearance then did give a wrong of impression of me...even now, people still judge me from my petite looks."

Leaning forward and crossing her hands over her chest, Mora added. "Elric's family is filing a lawsuit against my family. They may be using Stan and Yeon's case as coverup but we can see through their camouflage. We've counterattacked Yeon's case multiple times with lies and bribes however, when the media got wind of this information, despite wiping off publicized press releases , we have attracted quite an unpleasant attention. A lot of people are coming up from the past with claims of working for my father and not being paid enough among other things. Elric's mother has tapped on this and is presently driving my father nuts by making him appear as a cruel business proprietor."

"I'll ask you again Mora, why I'm I here?" Mijin was becoming impatient.

"We are looking to settle this time. Bribes cost a lot of money in the long run you see and sooner or later, another person or institution shows up after getting wind of information of how generous we are when it comes to money. Ever since Yeon's case, our company's stocks have depleted from bad to worse and we are loosing a lot of our staff. Nonetheless, it doesn't bother me. The mistakes of my father taking shortcuts are simply that, his mistakes. It won't affect my warm heart for you and the affection I have for your brother. Additionally, it won't affect how my brother still goes crazy at the mention of your name...."

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