40. Terms And Conditions

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Slumping on the bed, Yeon remembered the last time he had been here. Stan had bitten his neck and warned him not to see Elric again...and then he remembered other things that made him get flustered, bringing him to sit upright in an instant.

"What?" Stan asked, turning the key to lock the door.

"Why are you locking the door?" Yeon asked suspiciously.

"I always lock it...if it makes you uncomfortable, I won't lock it with a key then..."

"Unlock it...please..."

"As you wish." Stan obliged, unsure why Yeon suddenly seemed nervous, or perhaps he was feeling claustrophobic...or maybe he preferred it open since he sometimes slept with the door open because of the nightmares. "I can't keep the door open throughout though, the neighbors might see me and I'm quite private with my life here...I barely know them."

Seeing that Yeon was still quiet, Stan felt the need to assure him further. "This place used to belong to my dad Joss. Before they reunited with my father, he worked in the city and lived here. I lived here for sometime too when I joined collage but later moved out closer due to proximity so I use this place sometimes as my escape...Elric barely knows about..."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Yeon asked looking annoyed. "Feed me, I'm hungry."

Smilling, Stan replied as he walked towards the open kitchen, placing their takeaway meal on the counter. "You seemed nervous so I wanted to assure you this place is safe and we can have our own privacy here."

"A bed sitter with a semi-spacious kitchen while dad Robin stays in a mansionte, Dad Joss is quite stingy with himself."

"That part of him has never changed. Even uncle has criticized that character of his. He only spends money on dad, who is quite extravagant if I may add."

Yeon listened to Stan talk of his parent's separation, chattering on about how both his dad's divorce had impacted him negatively when he was a child, making him swear to find his true love so he won't have to get a divorce. Yeon found it naive that he still held onto that idea.

"I'll head to Niel's new place once I'm done with dinner. I haven't given him a housewarming gift yet."

Yeon's statement brought Stan to a halt. "Why?"

"I just told you. He moved to a new place and I want to see it. I'd told him I'll be passing by campus so we agreed to meet later on..."

"You're not going anywhere Yeon. You never informed me in advance about..."

"Hey..." Yeon said calmly, but made sure his facial expression showed he wasn't impressed with Stan making decisions for him. "You're not my father so stop this."

"We are just sex friends right?" Walking to sit beside Yeon, Stan asked. "Since I'm just a sex partner to you, give me your number then. With it, we can always make plans on when to have sex don't you think? It would be difficult to do so if I only depend on seeing you when you're such a person on high demand."

"I'm not responsible for what you feel so take responsibility by yourself."

"What's that have to do with getting your number?" Stan asked, battling his anger and confusion at Yeon's statement.

"Here in this place...you said you liked me before the last time we were together when you bit my neck. I heard you but I remembered what you whispered in my ear as soon as I got here. I'm guessing you had liked me for a while. Therefore it is not my responsibility to accept your feelings so stop acting like we are dating. It pisses me off you know. I have not dared forced my feelings on Niel that's why we can still remain friends without ruining what we have. Neither have I burdened him by telling him how I feel because it is me that feels this affection for him and not him so stop acting jealous. We are bound by fate. It's neither of our fault. However, before I became your fated, I had a life, hobbies, a friend and people I cared for so..."

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