90. A Thousand Apologies

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"Stan think carefully about what you did."

Taking a brief moment, he replied, "I have reflected on it and I'm sorry I knotted you."

"Why did you do it, three times you idiot!"

"I was caught in the moment since it had been a while since we were intimate too..." Stan responded instantly as if he had reharsing the answer beforehand.

Yeon was standing up a few feet away from him while Stan had been sitting on his bed, his hands clasped together as if he'd been awaiting some form of purnishment...or anticipated a scolding.

"You said you wouldn't do it and you kept inducing my heat purposely...."

"Because.... I selfishly want us to get pregnant..."

"So you understand do why I'm upset?" Yeon cut in, barely holding his temper in. He'd thought it inevitable to address this issue amicably and calmly during their drive from Stan's parents home to his parent's house. Besides, knowing Stan, he'd keep on breathing down his neck like he was presently, forcefully refusing to return with dad Joss and using Yeon's dad's invitation to stay to his advantage.

Not wanting to stress his parents over his argument with his fated, Yeon decided he had no choice but to solve their dispute.

"Yes." Stan nodded obediently and looked down at his hands.

"...And why is that?"

Raising his head up to look at Yeon, he replied. "Because I'm stupid."

"No you idiot! I don't way to get pregnant! It's not just your decision alone! I barely began my career and both of us are yet to graduate!"

Timidly, Stan said defensively, "It's next week...."

"Who gives a shit whether it's next year, we hadn't discussed this!"

"But I can take care of both of us."

"If you say that one more time..."


"Fucking jerk!" Yeon began pacing about his room, both his hands on his face to hide his shameful memory that was a consequense of beign knotted. He hadn't wanted to revisit those memories or discuss them with Stan; that was the reason why he had given himself some time before having this discussion. "Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to have your uncle examine me again? I kept bleeding..."

"...But you wouldn't let me touch you afterwards..." Stan sulked, hoping Yeon would fall for his sorry self. He felt guilty however, Yeon seemed to be in no mood for negosiations or flattery. Still, he shot his shot. "I could have healed you just the same way I did your mark..."

"Enough." Yeon gestured by raising his hand. "What else did you do wrong?"

Stan asked looking confused. He'd only thought of one thing that could have made Yeon that mad at him. "Apart from knotting you?"

"Apart from everything else you've done so far, what else could you have possibly done." Yeon folded his hands across his chest impatiently.

Seeing that Stan was taking his time, it irritated Yeon further. "Think carefully Stan for it would be pointless of us having this talk when you don't know what you did."

Fetching for a clue, Stan inquired politely. "Is it the reason why you've been giving me the silent treatment despite me constantly apologizing?"

"I'm getting impatient Stan." Yeon's face suddenly flushed as the memory of a laughing Dr. Jiwon played in his head while staring at his private part. "Damn it! How can you not know?"

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