150. Shadows From My Past

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"Hajin, I'm expecting some guests today so I want you to do your best and keep Haesol as calm as possible. I would have allowed you to take her for a walk however our current situation disfavors that. I hope you understand."

"Yes I do. I'll stay in her room and put her to sleep. You won't even know we're here."

"Now, help me set up the table. They should be here in half an hour or so."

"Who are they, if you do not mind my asking?"

"Friends to my son and Mijin. Speaking of which, I need to find out what time she and her mother are getting back."

Hesitating, Hajin asked, "Did she agree to breastfeed?"

"That damned girl has refused to even look at poor Haesol."

"It's alright. I saw you prepared enough milk for her in the fridge for the day."

"That won't be enough. Your so called princess grows an appetite as days go by. Either way, we can't force Mijin. This daughter of mine has made sure not a single drop of her's is taken and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Sir, maybe we should completely avoid asking her. I've also come to accept that she may never acknowledge Princess. It's not like she wanted this."

"Neither did you yet you seem to take everything well by adapting to the situation. Look Hajin, I wouldn't have you under my roof if I didn't pity you and neither would I have Mijin stay here if I'd thought it was either of your faults. I'd kicked her out long ago from this place before my son graduated therefore, I understand what she is going through but everyone passes through an experience that is no fault of theirs at least once in their lives. How we choose to deal with the issue is what is important."

"I just don't want to have Princess think her mother rejected her."

"She has us and we are enough. It's time you also began thinking the same. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Now help me set up the table. We've wasted valuable time chattering pointlesly."

Just then, there was a knock at the door and both Elric and Niel walked in.

"Dad!" Elric exclaimed, stretching his arms wide open and ran towards Yeon's dad for a hug. Enjoying the feel of his jacked-up physic, he added, "The strongest dad in the world! I've missed you a lot!"

"Sorry." Niel apologised while laughing. "He is delusional and quite a handful so be careful."

After exchanging greetings, Elric noticed Hajin who was standing behind Yeon's dad. "I didn't know you had a guest over."

"He is Hajin but first, let us sit down."

"Wait a minute, I've heard that name before..."

"Elric, let us take a seat." Niel got a hold of Elric's hand, pulling him towards the dinng area. "We are not going to stay here long."

"I want to see her first babe. Where is she?"

"She is sleeping so now is not a good time."

"I don't think I can't wait. I'm growing fidgety by the minute that even now, I'm about to loose my mind because of it."

"What kinds of medicine did he take?" Yeon's dad asked Niel after Elric pulled away from him and proceeded to exchange greetings with Hajin.

"He was administered to some pain medication. Stan's uncle did warn me of some side effects but it was majorly supposed to calm him down since he was very much reluctant to leave the hospital because of Luca and Lusha."

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