177. Perfect Timing

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The sound of waves splashing by the shore woke Yeon from his slumber. In his half-asleep state, a grown formed on his face from the soreness he felt. From the preplanned escape to the short flight to an unprecedented flight and slowly, he began to comprehend the activities of yesternight. The rush, the adrenaline, the excitement, the heat... It felt familiar yet anew and as he stretched one of his arms to have a look, his suspicions were confirmed.

Stan had bitten him plenty, being generous enough to leave marks all over his arm as if confirming he'd been there. This state reminded Yeon of the day his fated had completed his marking. It was no more a surprise to him how much his body could take Stan's hunger for lovemaking. 

Shifting to change positions, he turned to the opposite side and was glad to see Stan still fast asleep beside him. Come to think of it, this was the first time he'd been the first to wake up before him. There had been another time in the past, once when he'd snuck out of dad Joss's studio apartment while he and Stan had still been on campus, unaware of their fateship. The previous night of that morning, Stan had vaguely confessed his feelings to him. He remember hearing those words from him yet wasn't sure if he'd misheard him. At that time, Yeon had hated his fated to the core yet here they were, newly wedded after professing love to each other to a multitude of more than a hundred witnesses.

This memory brought a smile to Yeon's face because since then, Stan had made sure to stay alert, often holding him by the waist or trapping his movement with one of his legs so that even the slightest of movements would wake him up. Presently, from Stan's heavy breathing, there was no way he felt insecure for marriage gave another bondage to their fateship, offering some form of assurance. Maybe a legal document was what gave Stan surety that he wasn't going to sneak out on him and leave in the middle of the night.

"What a possessive fool you are," Yeon said with a chuckle and tapped onto his fated's shoulder to wake him up.

"Good morning," Stan spoke, his voice coarse from sleep. He took his time to stare at Yeon's image filled with hickies he'd left behind.

"If only I could, I would have eaten you whole, my love," Stan said, rising up from his pillow to lay atop his lover then began kissing Yeon on the neck.

"I give up."

Stan let out a light chuckle. "On what my love? Does it still bother you that I no longer want to refer to you by name?"

"My body hurts everywhere. How I'm I supposed to enjoy our honeymoon like this?"

"We don't have to go anywhere. We could just stay like this all day every day and cuddle until we get back."

"No way." Yeon placed his hand on Stan's chest and pushed him away for his body was beginning to heat up slowly from Stan's gentle kisses. Additionally, Stan was letting out scent, the kind that was putting Yeon in a very coercive mood.

"I-I want to go out and enjoy the sun."

"But I have all the vitamin D right here..."

"Pervert!" Yeon laughed and struggled to break free from his fated. As much as his body hurt, he had to keep some distance from him before his entire body broke into pieces. "I can't go another round with you, I'd die!"

"No you won't. I'll be more gentle this time..." Stan coaxed then tried to reach his hand to grab onto Yeon who quickly slapped him away and walked towards the large window of their room. He took in a deep breath, his eyes closed. The air felt humid and smelled like the salty ocean. He then opened his eyes slowly upon feeling his fated's presence behind him.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

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