96. Payback Time

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"With his dainty eyes, he snatches your sympathy away, taking you to an unknown universe. Can't you see? He is playing a trick on all of you! With his subtle look and timid demeanor, he melts your heart away...

At this point, who will believe me?

...Having been part of this wretched family, of course Mora would have mastered the art of manipulation. That's all we thrive on don't you think so father?

You've ruined us all, using us as pawns for your selfish gains!

Where is mother?


"Look, he keeps switching from one mood to another. We do not know what he is thinking about but clearly, he is torturing himself staying quiet." 

Mora's brother had been sitting in one corner of the room with not a single object next to him. His eyes were fixated on the two nurses who had been watching him for hours. Separated by them with a glass wall, it made him feel like an outcast, like an animal capable of causing potential harm to anyone that came close to him.

"His victim is the same. She won't say a word either of what transpired. According to her parents, she talks in her sleep...speaks of strange things that do not make sense. I heard the doctor mention earlier. Hypnosis might be the best way to tap into their subconscious and find out what really happened. He looks so wretched and unkempt."

"I think not. Hypnosis might make them worse. Most people prefer to completely shut out whatever makes them guilty or in pain. Look at him. Does he look like someone who wants to make peace with the things he has done both willingly or otherwise?"

"As per the report, majority of the time, he acted under the influence of the drug. It has synchronized with his blood like his scent. If we give him a new transfusion now as the doctor earlier mentioned, he will die. It's not just the drug we are seeking to clean out of him but his blood too. Doing that procedure will render him scentless."

"Look at them? They want to test me yet again.

Father, I thought I was your favorite child, your pride and joy... I thought you cared for me...for us, for Mom!

If I leave this place, will you torture me again? No! I don't want to take after you. Not at all. I'm a weakling like Mother. Mora is the one who is couragious just like you are. Yes. She was right...without you in our lives, we would be better off.

You're a monster...I'm the son of a monster. Mora said I look just like you.

I hate you father... You took Mijin from me... I will never forgive you for that."

"We should probably keep a close eye on him especially during his sleep. This guy is completely damaged."

"His medical report showed he had scars in hidden places."

"Don't even go there. The fact that we aren't allowed to administer even a painkiller on him is unthinkable what he must be enduring."

"...And you said his family did this to him?"

"Yes. I saw it in the news some years back. He used to be married I heard, to some pretty rich girl. They said it had been forcefully arranged that's why they divorced after a few weeks."

"I heard it was two months."

"Look at him. Does he look like he'd make it that long? Maybe it was exaggerated in the news as usual. I'm sure they divorced after a few days, has to be."

"He is a proper example of all that glitters is not gold. To think his own family is supporting this institution to help the recovery of their son..."

"That drug, because of it..." 

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