154. Let It Burn

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A regular evening had ended on a good note, the sight of dad Robin dancing in the middle of the living room whilst holding a spatula in his hand. There was a jubilant mood in the air, Stan in the open kitchen singing along as he picked up a set of plates and set them on top of the dining table. He then took his phone and began filming his father.

Both Yeon and dad Joss immediately got submerged into the merriment that dad Joss ran to his pair, joining in as if he had an idea of the reason behind the celebratory mood.

Yeon laughed watching the two dancing as they sang in unison. They did it so naturally and with the music playing loudly, it was hard to tell if they were lip-synching or not. No matter. It had been a while since he'd experienced such a happy atmosphere, excluding his engagement to his fated.

Stan quickly stopped filming his parents and gestured for Yeon to sit beside him at the kitchen counter. He took over the cooking seeming that dad Robin had forgotten about the meal he'd been preparing.

"What's the celebration about?

"The twins are set to be discharged soon. To think Elric delivered successfully without any damage to his womb was something my dad was very much stressing over."

Yeon smiled, looking at his parents. "I haven't spoken to either Niel or Elric but it gladdens me to know everything is going well..."

"I missed you." Stan interrupted. "Nowadays, you spend more and more time with dad. From one lab to another, one annoying uncle to his similar in character brother."

"Still jealous even after we got engaged?"

Stan laughed then continued humming to the music that played as he went on about the kitchen. After a while, Yeon came behind him and inquired what they were making for dinner."

"Dad was in the mood for pork stew but you know him when he is in a good mood. There are other dishes he has prepared and packed ready for uncle to pick later on."

"Can I have a taste. It looks yummy."

"Sure." Scooping some stew with a soup spoon, Stan grinned when Yeon blew on it then slurped it afterwards.

"Yummy. I'll regret moving out and missing your dads' cooking the most."

"They'll probably invite you over many times by baiting you to some meal or two."

"I won't turn them down."

"I bet you wouldn't." Looking at both his parents, Stan added, "this situation is a win to them as it is for Elric. Perhaps they finally got their closure. I used to bother them when I was a toddler that I wanted a sibling. Even though dad Robin's younger sister was almost my age, the furthest she became was a best friend than a sister. If you'd have met her, you'd have loved her. She was a balance of Elric and I, playful and funny at the same time."

"You all must really miss her."

"Yea. Elric kind of replaced the void she left behind in our lives." Stan grimaced. "He has annoyed me from the moment I met him, hardly knowing how to mind his own business."

"Is that your way of saying you care about him?"

"You bet." Stan smiled then looked back at his fated. "Anyway, knowing how much you like Niel, this makes you an uncle to two."

Yeon laughed. "To three. Don't forget Haesol."

"How is it working with dad though? Is it different from the science of fateds?"

"You'd be surprised it's much more complex studying pairs."

"How so?"

"Upon scent manifesting for fateds, everything is black and white. Even half of a manifestation offers direction or something to work with as opposed to pairs."

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