132. What Did You Do?

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"Yeon," Stan fidgeted on his seat. "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Something like what?"

"I know what's happening between you and Mora."

Yeon almost chocked from the water he'd been drinking. "You do?" He asked, wiping his lips using the back of his hand and placed the glass on top of the kitchen countertop.

"You two meet all the time?"

"Have you been spying on me?"



"What choice did I have? You meet her all the time in secret. It was only a matter of time that I'd get curious and start investigating Yeon." Stan stood up and reached for a tablecloth to wipe the spilled water from the countertop next to his fated. He seemed satisfied to have caught Yeon in the act, and the fact that Yeon hadn't tried to deny it made him even more irritable. "We used to go home together but nowerdays, almost every week I have to drop you off to see your parents, which is also another lie you tell me since it's never your parents you're meeting but Mora."

"Stan, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you overreacting."

"How long have you been seeing her?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It's important for me to know when you began..." Stan hesitated. "I just...I need to know what to fix."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Stan inhaled then exhaled before replying. "I'm not okay with it but I understand. Everyone seems to like you a lot anyways. It was only a matter of time before you found someone who cares for you more than me."


"It's hard for me to process that you have a fling...still... Yeon, I'm not going to leave you so don't ask me to do that."

"A fling with Mora?" Yeon frowned at Stan's misunderstanding. He seemed upset that that's the first conclusion his fated would come to and still be willing to allow it happen, if that had been the case. "For someone who's always obsessive of me, you're surprisingly generous."

"You like her don't you?"

Yeon watched in awe, baffled by the conclusion his fated had come to and appeared convinced by his own speculations. He was short for words and didn't know whether to get angry or laugh about it that even despite how it appeared, there was no way he was going to reveal the truth. Nonetheless, a fling with Mora? No one else but Mora?

"I thought I had the upper hand above everyone else since I marked you...but still... there were complications... I mean, your eyes still change colour whenever you are with her just like when we are together..."

"Wait...stop..." Yeon tried to intervene but Stan seemed too bothered and lost in his own speculations to listen. He felt relieved to finally speak openly about what has bothered him for some time and if he wasn't going to speak of it now, he might never have the will to do it again.

"I'm the one who confessed to you first when you could have had feelings for someone else..." Stan stopped briefly, his mind on Niel and seemed to be unwilling to accept that reality to date. "Therefore, no matter how you feel about me now, please do not push me away. I can wait... I'll wait until you get over your feelings for her and come back to me."

"You actually think I'm cheating on you?!"

"Why else wound you be meeting Mora in secret and lying about it?"

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