124. Bring To Light

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"I'm sure by now you are aware of the meaning of what a psychopath is. I summoned you to show you a video that could help in the case. From it, you will observe and deduce yourselves Mora's mindset at the age of ten.

Let me just clarify that psychopathy is a disorder that shows a complete lack in conscience and empathy towards others or any living thing. There is an existing fallacy equating a sociopath to be psychotic and vise-versa; do not mistake the two. 

A true psychopath will act whichever way the please, meaning they can take whatever they want from you or others, violently or otherwise without the tiniest regret. They do not care for societal norms, values and have no regard to expectations from the society. In short, they do not feel guilt. Nonetheless, this is not to say that all psychopaths are violent in nature. For Mora's father, he is a fully fledged psychopath moving though life with supreme confidence and he is self aware.

You may wonder what is going through the mind of Mora and her father. Or rather, why would a psychopath be confident in themselves yet they are doing a lot of harm or causing distress to others? And, can something be done to fix this abnormality? Well, a psychopath can not comprehend basic emotions like empathy. This is a faulty or lacking in their brain. We call this a mirror neuron system.  There are areas of the brain that assist in perceiving the pain of others like the right amygdala for sensing emotions, somatosensory cortex for procession sensations such as pain, heat, temperature, midcingulate cortex processes social information among others.

For a psychopath, these parts of their brain show no reaction. In short, lack of empathy.

The test done to Mora to trigger those parts in her brain has been retrieved, the result was as I've told you; a lack of emotion which her father noted as a default and tried fixing her himself. Mora's brother has confirmed this 'fixing' to have begun when his sister was much younger.

A lack of empathy is a fault in many psychopaths hence such a simple emotion, just as we find it difficult for them to not have, they can not also comprehend why we would feel attached to another's pain or emotions.

A lot of experienced individuals in my practice believe that psychopathy is just a disorder that brings forth poor judgements and bad decisions, decisions that can hurt others yet, it becomes more apparent that the consequences are adverse because they do not feel empathy at all.

Empathy is the connection that equips one with the right information for proper decision making. From Mora's brother, and the mother's statement, Mora's father tried to train his daughter to feel empathy only to adapt in the society. However, his methods fueled Mora to make extremely bad decisions by training her to channel her lust for blood in another way.

At this point, I know you understand why locking up Mora and her father is pointless. Psychopaths have no sense of guilt or remorse. Retribution is not something they understand because of an existing fault in their brain.  Nonetheless, there have been other ways to treat a psychopath through rewarding, something that Mora's brother confessed to the father doing to  often whenever Mora would keep a pet longer than a month... But a psychopath helping a psychopath is a blind person leading another. They will get lost even more, if not become worse and meet a fatality. 

Kindly note that psychopathy isn't a disease that can be cured through medication, meditation or hypnosis. It can only be managed. The same way you'd manage someone suffering from substance abuse is the same way you'd manage psychopathy so as to lead a normal life.

What we normally recommend whenever we get cases like this is to encourage recognision from family members living with a psycopath. Recognizing even the slightest acts of empathy or positive action goes a long way. This treatment is a cognitive behavioral model used and it works wonders since it reduces the risk of a psycopath acting violently by a big margin.

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