103. Caught in The Act

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Stan slowly opened his eyes and squinted from the bright light. He was about to move his arm to cover his face but felt too heavy and sore.

"Good morning sleepy head?" Stan was immediately startled by his father's voice. He slowly looked up and met dad Joss's glare at him. "We've been waiting for you two to wake up. You made us spend the night inside the car you little rascals! Yeon's enormous scent practically kicked us out we couldn't get in.""

"What?" Stan's voice was coarse as he spoke. His throat felt dry and sore and as he tried to lift his body up, he was stopped by the weight felt on his other arm.

"Don't move an inch. At least, wait until your father brings some clothes for you two." Dad Joss cautioned.

"What are you doing in our room?" Stan asked as he admired a sleepy lover resting peacefully on his arm. It felt cramped from the weight of Yeon's head on it moving would end the comfort he provided, thereby waking up Yeon.

"Are you sure you are in your room? Look around fool!" Dad Joss forced a whispered yell.

"Why are you..?" Stan stopped himself midway as he glanced around, his face slowly changing color, the events of yesternight flooding his head all at once.

"Glad we are on the same page now." His father spoke as he tapped his feet on the floor impatiently.

Apparently, both Stan and Yeon had passed out cold in the middle of the living room floor, their clothes scattered everywhere and a couple of mess here and there. Weirdly enough, they were covered by a thick sheet from their feet to the waist. Stan felt embarrassed even more at the realization of both him and Yeon being naked.

"You need to move out."

"What?" His fathers statement interrupted his present thoughts on his current status. He'd just began to feel how hard and uncomfortable the floor was.

"Oh, don't be so shocked! You had this coming! I won't be defending you today neither can I believe I'm the one more upset this time! Stan, what if we had a guest yesterday night? Or today morning for that matter? And don't bring Yeon into this. For him to be that drunk and you doing just fine lying here looking pretty, you were the mastermind behind it all. Yeon's scent must have overtaken you... Seriously, what did you give him?"

Turning to look at a comfortably sleeping Yeon, Stan pulled the sheet up to Yeon's shoulders. "We just had a few drinks..."

"Look, I'm not the scolding type so what's done is done. When your father comes, agree to the moving out idea. You have my other apartment. Take it. You and Yeon can live there for as long as you like. I don't care."

As embarrassing as his current status was, Stan felt the need to defend himself. "We were planning on moving out anyway..."

"Honey, stop scolding him over the issue. Accidents happen." Dad Robin appeared looking surprisingly more calmer as opposed to his partner. In most cases, he was the first to always loose his temper and the current scene was a definite act that needed scolding. "Dont talk so loud." He whispered. "Yeon will wake up..."

"Let him! How do you think I feel covering two naked adults in the middle of our livingroom? I can't sit here again peacefully without thinking what transpired yesterday and the whole night might I add..."

"Whisper you dummy!" Dad Robin cautioned angrily. "It's not like we haven't done it here before. Stop being so pretentious."

"Wha-?" Dad Joss's jaw dropped at his partner's unexpected complacency and watched him bend down to place a couple of folded pyjammers next to Stan.

"I can't tell Yeon's size but knowing you Stannie, I think you'll like matching pyjammers. I planned on gifting him these for his birthday. Do you think Yeon is into bright colors?"

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