145. Playing A Fool

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"Mom, i wasn't expecting you today."

"I've been waiting here for a while. Have you been keeping well?"

"Yes. Nelnel surprised  me that you were here, waking me up early morning from my deep slumber."

"I asked him not to tell you I was coming today. There are private matters we need to discuss before he and I head to work."

"He seems to be enjoying it considering often times he's come home quite late."

"We hardly see each other except today. Anyway, we need discuss serious matters. One concerning the case and secondly, your health." Elric's mother gestured at her son from head to toe. "You are much more chubbier than the last time I saw you. How many months so far?"

"I clocked seven months end of last week."

"My hard headed son, willing to risk it all regardless of the consequences. Are you sure you are not in any kind of pain? Dont lie to your mother."

Sitting down slowly, Elric shook his head, "What's going on? I haven't caught on the case since the last time we worked together. I figured you'd reach out if you needed my help."

"Have you watched the news lately?"

"Not really."

"You've become complaisant son. Nonetheless, I don't have much time so let's get to the point. There are a lot of pharmaceutical companies that have worked hand in hand with Mora's father in the supply of harmful ingredients to illegal drugs. It is literally an undercover criminal organization and finally we managed to bring almost everyone involved to account. Additionally, do you remember the collapse of the infamous museum years ago which accumulated quite a number of casualties? It was due to poor construction of the museum and mismanagement of funds. Mora's father may not be behind this but he aided in hiding this truth since underneath that construction was billions worth of narcotics hidden. 

I can no longer continue to follow up this case. I've been authorized to hand over all evidences in my hands to a team of prosecutors who have been chosen to focus majorly slush funds but holding prosecutors accountable is quite a challenge. A couple of billions were raised in the process. They hid their acts under use of double accounts and other money laundering techniques which you and I are familiar with, seeing your father's brothers.

Anyway, the results of their preliminary investigations, as well as the one made by my team has shown a number of those who'd previously perpetrated the incident are deceased, a few of them left whom I had spoken to months back and were willing to make statements against Mora's father as a means to avenge. Now that the case has been taken by the prosecutors, it puts me in a dangerous spot  since prosecutors hold tremendous influence over a case and with a little threat they will succumb to intentional misconduct.

Moreover, investment associated with Mora's father is under tight scrutiny, or has been rather, for the past couple of months. I couldn't tell you because of your condition."

"Mom," Elric cut in. "Do you mean to say we stand to loose? I don't think bribery will be an option if micromanagement by a third party is done. As back up, there is always an option to appeal and keep the case."

"My son, how did Mijin come to hold the party at that wretched place?"

Elric instantly understood why his mother asked him that question. A thorough investigation might have his name mentioned, dating back all the way to that dreadful day. "I told her of it." Unable to face his mother, he added. "The owner was investigated, I myself was taken in for questioning and I told the police everything I know."

"Did you ever consume that drug?" Elric's mother asked, her eyes locked on her son.

"For pleasure."

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