141. Make A Move

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"There are two ways to provoke or cause emotional collapse to Mora, either inform her Yeon is dead or use her bloodlust against her. For the first option, we'll inform her her father was responsible since he had intentions of eliminating her moral compass so to speak."

"Isn't that lying?" Yeon's mom seemed displeased by the idea.

"It's called provocative interrogation. It is a harsh method I agree however, we seek to cause terror in order for her to provide information. She will end up confessing just so she can get away from an interrogation. At the moment, she feels constrained and is giving invalid responses. Her instability allows use of excessive pressure but that may render her confession unsafe. That is why to get her to name her targets and reveal names and events, a focal point is necessary and that is where Yeon comes in."

Dad Joss shook his head disapprovingly. "Stannie will never agree to this."

"Call them in then. It's time we shared our thoughts with them."

"W-What no! Is this why you told us to come with them?"

"You snitched to Stannie about a part of our plan Joss. I'd have expected it from Robin but Joss, you being the most secretive of you two..."

"He is closer to Stan." Dad Robin cut in. "Still, I concur with him on the Stannie issue so do not be optimistic."

"I don't agree either." Yeon's father said. "I won't allow my son to be used as bait. There has to be another way and if there is none, let's go with the first option.."

"Pronouncing our son dead...It's ominous..!"

"Sweetheart, you're letting out scent..." Looking around, Yeon's dad cautioned upon noticing the frightened looks from Stan's parents and Elric's mother. "You're scaring everyone."

"I'm sorry."

Just then, Yeon and Stan walked in and were briefed about the plan. "I'll have you know if we do decide to puncture you to extract blood, Mora will have to be alone. She won't be handcuffed but we shall have back up. We just want a little confession from her. We have evidence against her father as provided by her among other things and for sure, he'll be spending all his life in maximum prison but Mora has been very careful and vigilant. Her fourteen days of being detained are almost up and she is free to sue us for detaining her without concrete evidence, let alone accuse us for slander."

"Is there no other way?"

"Do you want me to list down the things she has done? Not just to you but to other people?"

"Yes." Stan answered in Yeon's stead.

"Unlawful kidnapping and detaining victims repeatedly as confessed by her staff. Attempted murder, multiple drugging violations from you and her brother." Seeing that no one in the room seemed to take her side, Elric's mother added. "We are talking about a very powerful and formidable opponent, two at that. Every accusation lodged at Mora is backed up by some counter attack. For one, the first attack against Yeon, Mora did start a fundraising and a so called support group to back herself up. If I were to argue this case in court, I'll be ridiculed. The courtroom survives on manipulation and even if an evidence directly pinpoints the accused, he or she will be set free depending on how the judge and jury takes in the manipulation.

Keep in mind we obtained our evidence in a questionable way. Though brought to us, Mora knew what she was doing. She could claim she was threatened to expose her father by me or any of you. It will be pulled out as nonfactual or fabricated and Mora will sue us for being brainwashed and manipulated to betray her own father!

Secondly, Yeon dropped charges against Mora's brother right after his case was ruled out. Keep in mind Yeon was accused of careless behavior and using his scent to lure others that despite being forcefully imprinted, the culprits are seen as victims for being exposed to his alluring scent. The only reason they haven't been set free is because they are repetitive offenders on record, committing petty theft like shoplifting and others big enough as attempted kidnapping.

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