42. Hunger For You

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Stan's uncle had been the one who'd taken Yeon out of the laboratory, claiming Stan had come to take him home. It had been a few minutes past midnight...hadn't they agreed to meet tomorrow? Yeon thought to himself. What was the reason they had exchanged contacts if Stan wasn't going to call before showing up?

"I came to take you home." Stan plainly stated, gesturing at his car for Yeon to enter. From his dressing, he looked like he had been in a rush to come here. On top of that, his sunken eyes made Yeon wonder if he'd been getting proper sleep lately.

"Why are you here at this time?" Yeon asked. "I'll keep my word and meet you tomorrow as promised..."

"It's already tomorrow so let's go. This day is mine." Stan's facial expression was sinister as he added the last four words. It was obvious he had had a bad day but Yeon was adamant, finding it ridiculous to leave with Stan when he was just about done with the day's laboratory end of day errands.

"I'll wind up in half an hour if you don't mind waiting then." Yeon stated but was ignored by Stan when he opened the passenger side door, gesturing for him to get in.

Stan's uncle appeared from the entrance of his practice and judging from the look Stan was giving him, he immediately read the situation like a book. "You can go Yeon. I'll wind up everything. You've worked too hard today."

"Even so, it's just thirty minutes Dr. Jiwon. He can wait in your office for me..."

Waving his index finger, Stan's uncle shook his head in refusal, his usual smile in place. "He is off limits to enter my office without my supervision. I'll update you regarding the fresh and formaldehyde specimens incase of any changers though I doubt there will be need for that. I'll take care of the gross examination as well, record my findings and update you when you come back. For now, as your doctor and your supervisor, I recommend a good amount of rest for you. Three days will suffice just as we agreed. If you're still feeling aprehensive of your ongoing project, I'll take pictures of my findings regarding the fresh samples and send them to you. Will that be okay?"

Stan's uncle's smile kept playing in Yeon's mind the entire drive to their destination. Even now that he was looking at Stan taking off his clothes, as if he couldn't wait anymore, Yeon wondered if his uncle had any prior knowledge of Stan's coming.

Closing the gap between them, Stan strode towards a confused and fatigued Yeon and began kissing his neck gently, threatening to bite him if he resisted.

"Let me shower first. Besides, I'm tired. We can do this in the morning." Yeon said in almost a whisper, fearing how quickly his heart had began to pick up it's beat. He could sense Stan's scent briefly and concluded to himself that may be the reason his body was responding towards his fated within seconds.

"The more you resist, the longer I get to keep you here. I'm not stopping until I've had my fill." Stan said and quickly stole a kiss, deepening, demanding that Yeon quench his hunger he had haboured for months, patiently waiting, hoping and longing for Yeon t ogive in...to notice him as a man who was in love with him.

He needed Yeon to be aware of him.

Just then, he felt Yeon's arousal, pulled away then chuckled. "It does make me happy to feel you up and ready without having to use any scent."

Before Yeon could throw him a hurtful reply, he reached for another kiss, lifting him to his bed. They kissed for a while, Stan feeding into his lust for his fated, barely having enough of him until Yeon broke the kiss.

"I can smell your scent faintly."

"I'm not using it." Stan's response was simple as he reached down to stroke Yeon's hardness gently, watching closely for his lover's reaction. He moaned and so did Stan who smiled in satisfaction, aroused just from seeing Yeon begin to get drunk with desire. Maybe, just maybe Yeon understood how much he'd wanted to touch his body and watch him shudder as he responded to his touch.

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