27. Unpleasant Encounter

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"I can't believe you signed a consent form without our permission son! As your parents, aren't we allowed to step in on matters like this?" Yeon's father was furious as they left the police station. Despite their intervention, Yeon had been adamant about doing things by himself but his parents had insisted on being involved.

Once they reached home, they found out Mijin and Niel had prepared lunch for both of them. Yeon's mother had stepped out that day to run errands.

"I'm not hungry. I'll be in my room." Yeon said without glancing at neither his sister nor Niel.

"Dad, what happened to him?" Mijin asked upon hearing the door close behind Yeon.

"Those insensitive police put him through an unnecessary interrogation without a care to what he's gone through. The moment we got close to those animals, they quickly reacted to Yeon's scent and I felt helpless, unable to protect him! They made me feel like a lousy parent when they kicked me out of the interrogation just because I called them incompetent!"

"Dad, I'm really sorry you both had to go through that. I'm the one who invited Yeon to that party so I take full responsibility..."

"As you should! I told you to take care of your brother and look at him now! I even allowed your man-boy to stay with you to protect him and what did you do? You were complaisant!"

"Sir..." Niel tried to apologize but Yeon's father wouldn't have it.

"A pair, that's all I asked for and even at that, you both failed. Luckily one of Yeon's ex-girlfriends came through and is willing to pair up with him. She is to join us today. Your mother must have already fetched her."

"Dad! You're only going to further ruin Yeon!" Mijin shouted, slamming her palms on the dining table and stood up.  "Yeon dated his exes to mark them and here you are exposing him to the opposite!"

"Sit down child before I forget I gave birth to you! You think this is a joke? Everywhere your brother goes, he continuously affects those around him! He's lost all the chances he has meeting his fated mate too! Who'd want to pair up with someone who has been marked multiple times? Soon, your brother will succumb to uncontrollable heat cycles as well..."

"Dad, he can hear you in the next room!" Mijin warned.

"Now I have to watch my own tongue in my house too?"  Yeon's dad said as he stormed out towards his son's room. After knocking a few times with no response, he opened the door.

"Son, are you asleep?" He asked, walking towards his son's bed and pulled a chair to sit down beside a fully covered Yeon who didn't move an inch.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper out there however, you and I are more alike as your mother is to your sister. We're more practical. I want you to know I'm always here for you and we will stick to the solution your mother and I discussed about. I'm sure you can understand that."

"Yes dad." Yeon answered as he pushed the blanket from his face and sat upright  to lean back on the bed. He seemed emotionless, his usual stoic face in place.

"Now that we are alone, did you recognize any of those monsters, including the one recently brought in?"

"No dad, they didn't recognize me either but were reactive to my scent though the police updated me they seem much more calmer as opposed to when they were apprehended. Only one guy didn't react to me... I guess I didn't imprint on him."

"Still, he remains an accomplice." Yeon's dad said, saddened by his son's passive mood. "We must remain vigilant regardless. I pressured those handling your case with the lawyer and it appears the fourth guy turned himself in claiming his life was in danger, as if he were running away from someone." 

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