133. Our Special Connection

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Mora struggled to put Yeon to lay flat on the sofa. It has been cumbersome carrying him all the way from downstairs and the fact that the staff thought he was her boyfriend made it easy for her to not attract unwanted attention, not to mention, they knew she was the granddaughter to the owner of the luxurious hotel.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she glanced down at a half passed out Yeon and smiled. She had been waiting for this moment for the longest time and finally, Yeon lay in front of her not asleep like before but helpless. She trailed down a finger across Yeon's cheek and said, "Lucky are the fated, they get nourishment from their marker while people like us have to sit by and hope to meet someone to fix us. Today I get to do the fixing myself...even though I had to trick you into it. How naive for you are to trust me, thinking there is hope for me. Haven't I been showing you who I really am these last couple of days or did my little threat scare you that much?

I didn't think you'd fall for it and even if you truly did, I'd have thought you'd act a little vigilant around me...perhaps you did. You always seemed to have Stan pick and drop you off. You'd constantly glance at your phone and the time. You looked calm all through yet I wanted you to be nervous even for a little bit but you've kept your word at spending time with me and listen to my act for the need to make peace with my brother and father...as if I care about that. I can never really understand you and that has become very frustrating to me.

I've also noticed your eyes flip colours from deep red to scarlet whenever you're with me. Do I make you nervous? Does this only happen when we are together? Hmm... I wonder if the same thing happens whenever you're with Stan."

Yeon tried to raise his hand to push Mora away but it fell and hung lazily next to the floor. Mora reached out for it and raised it to her cheek then closed her eyes. "Is this how it feels to be affectionate? Does Stan touch you like this? Do you...touch him like this?" Mora pressed Yeon's hand firmly on her checks. "Since you left, I haven't slept really well...not like I sleep much anyway. Perhaps I should not have brought you here last time. I like having someone around. Now, you look frightened of me. Good thing you won't have a memory of today's little incident." Mora smiled at Yeon's futile effort of pulling his hand away.

"You know something Yeon, I merely gave you an empty threat. I hadn't thought you'd become that on guard around me...but you weren't... were you really?

Agh! I couldn't read you! You mess up my plans! I never know how you'd act... I'd thought you'd shun me away and I'd have to chase you down the way I do with Mijin and others! What's the point of catching a prey if it comes to you willingly when you call for it? The excitement lies within the chase Yeon! You should have ran!" Mora suddenly stopped, as if she were looking at Yeon a new. "You aren't like Mijin at all. Mijin is grandiose and extremely entitled. I've warned her several times of her arrogance. I'm surprised she's kept the pregnancy. My bet is that child wouldn't last. She acts like she doesn't care... See, that's the difference between me and her. She does bad things then feels ashamed afterwards since she actually cares what you think of her. She isn't guilty though, don't confuse the two. She just doesn't want you to view her negatively. That's why she threatens me not to harm you since she wants to be the one to do that and no one else. Myself on the other hand, I don't really know when it comes to you. I don't care about others or what they think of me, you included yet somehow, I'm intrigued by you. I want to connect with you. You offer a special kind of...something I'd want to cherish for sentimental purposes... "

"L-let me...go..."

"'I love you.' Hmmm, if I told you that, would you trust me the same way you trust Stan? Or maybe I should have asked, 'would you like to go out with me?'"

Mora shook her head violently. "Nope. It feels strange just saying it. I should never have set my eyes on you. Since then, I've become...irritating enough to feel it.

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