87. I Don't Know

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"There seems to be a cold war going on between Yeon and Stan."

"let's speculate. What do you think Stan did this time? " Dad Joss asked.

"I thought the same thing too. It has to be Stan's doing yet again and to think they were getting along just fine...it's barely a month since he woke up and he had to go seeking a fight with his fated without being considerate of the amount of misfortune that has befallen Yeon's family. Stan should have been more thoughtful of Yeon's predicament before offending him."

They fell silent for a while, each in their thoughts and after some deep thinking, dad Joss concluded. "Perhaps Yeon has the temper of his father."

Dad Robin immediately brushed off the statement while shaking his head in refusal. "No. That can't be the case. We both know it's his daughter who took after him..."

"Yes you're probably right." Dad Joss nodded in agreement. Turning to look at his pair, he asked, "How is she doing by the way from the last you saw of her? I only managed to pay one visit while she'd been admitted at the hospital...and now we are here."

"Yeon's father assured me she is recuperating just fine together with his pair...or former fated."

"Jeez... I get goosebumps whenever I think of the bite marks she had all over her body. What kind of animal is her pair to bite her all over like that?"

Shoving his partner by the shoulder, dad Robin accused. "Look who is talking! You bite me all the time too- I feel bad for that poor girl."

"I'm getting goosebumps too at the thought of how broken she looked. Do you think she is going to heal properly without postmarking care?"

"Physically, it will take a while but eventually, she'll be fine. Mentally I do not think so. It may take months to years for her. Her father said she doesn't talk to anyone, always staring constantly in space that even after being discharged, she sits alone by herself in her room. What a waste of life. She had a promising career as an aeronautical engineer."

"What about her pair, or former fated? Any news so far?" Dad Joss inquired.

"Last time I checked, he was admitted in a mental institution. They said rehab won't do him any good since he may not have been an addict of the drug just yet. Honestly, I don't understand his predicament at all. When that young man woke up, as per his medical reports which I managed to peek into, his CT scan showed no damage to his brain tissues or structures. I had a little chat with the doctors who attended to him and they confirmed no major diseases there. His mental state is the one that's completely shattered otherwise his bodily functions are normal. Post flushing the drug out of his system, he acted normally. His reflexes and the way he answered questions was acceptable. He only kept calling out for Mijin and seemed oblivious of what he had done."

"Should we seek Jiwon's help?"

"Your brother can not take over his case because the boy is no longer a fated but a pair like us."

"Yes. You're right again. Maybe that is why Yeon's father called us- but who will take care of our clinic if we keep disappearing like this? Our business is going down despite me feeling bad over what is happening to Yeon and his family."

Rising and eyebrow, dad Robin asked. "Do you prefer to turn Yeon's father down then?" 

"Of course not. Even if I wish to, we are already here anyway."

Both Stan's dads were sitting nervously in the living room of Yeon's parents home. They'd been well received and offered a beverage with they politely refused considering how nervous they seemed. Afterwards, both of Yeon's parents excused themselves with the excuse of going to prepare Mijin up for her to meet them.

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