15. Sensitive To Touch

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"Do you like me or something?"

"What does it matter? Would you say yes to me if I said I liked you?"

"Answering a question with another, how childish." Stan was still sitting on the bed and his presence next to me only made me more and more nervous. I'd sworn to myself before that if he made one wrong move I'd scream my lungs out like a siren. He clearly would overpower me in a instant but I'd have his ears bleeding out.

"Did Elric tell you he likes you?"

"Do you base your answer on his?" Shaking my head, the thought that Stan may like me sounded ridiculous and I'm sure he agreed too. He hated me just as much as I hated him...we had nothing in common and the last time I was this close to him, he'd drenched me as if I stunk like a skunk not to mention, pulling my hair. Right now, he just made me feel like a prisoner.

"Are you afraid of me Yeon?"

"Will you stop calling my name like that?" 

"Why? Does it make you calm?"

"Actually it makes me more nervous. It feels...different I don't know why. I guess it's because we hate each other's guts so in my head, you..." I stopped midway when I realized he was enjoying this...seeing me trapped...probably scared. He had been having a smile on for sometime, as if he was reading me like a book.

"What?" He asked, and then it hit me I'd been staring at him as well.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Is that what Elric told you?"

"What is this? Question and question game? You've answered none of my questions so far and I really really need to use the bathroom so will you just turn around so I can go?" It was becoming harder and harder to hold it in. Thankfully, he hadn't noticed I'd been hard for a while.

"Don't you go jerking off alone now..." he responded as if he could read my mind and as he turned his back towards me, I quickly got off his bed to the nearest door I could find. Please be the bathroom...Please be the bathroom...

I breathed a sigh of relief after closing the door behind me then covered my eyes in embarrassment. If he could see my face now, he'd probably hurl hurtful words towards me like last time. I was ashamed of myself, getting wood and struggling to hide it the entire time when he'd known all along. 

Still, I had no time to waste. My main focus right now was getting release. A slight thought ran in my mind when I realized I'd been wearing his clothes again however, I could care less as I fumbled between my legs and a low grunt escaped my lips.

Damn it... This was harder than I had anticipated. The mare thought that he was outside in the next room made it even harder for me and the fact that I'd held it in for too long made the tip painful to touch.

I closed my eyes and thought of Niel, he's always been the one in my head whenever I masturbated. I tried to remember his scent that always surrounded me and how lately, it had become stronger whenever I wore his clothes.

Ah...! It felt good... I needed to go faster...

I reminded myself repeatedly to remain quiet and as I took in a deep breath, I started to feel another familiar scent. It kept growing stronger and stronger...and it felt strange on my body...warm, soft, sweet, as it someone was blowing a gentle breeze on my skin.

I quickly covered my mouth with my free hand to stop a moan that almost escaped me. I had to remain quiet.

Stan...that was his scent and it was getting stronger and stronger that it became hard to think of Niel. I remembered dreaming of him sometime back. He looked so hot as always, and was happy...

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