54. A Friendly Advice

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"Yeon, I think your fated is looking for you..."

Turning to look back, Yeon lamented. "What the heck what does he want this time?"

Nudging his son with a forceful shove, Yeon's dad bellowed. "What do you mean what the heck? Go to him!"

"No dad, I need a break from him. I see him all the time!" Yeon complained and watched in displeasure as Stan spotted them both and started jogging towards them.

"Doesn't he look so good and fit without his shirt on...as if he is modeling for a summer advertisement..." Yeon's dad said in admiration.

"Yeon, dad, lunch is ready..." Stan said upon reaching them.

"Stop calling him dad!" Yeon complained as his father pulled him to stand up.

"If you weren't covered in bruises, I'd have smacked your face silly. I'm the one who told him to call me dad whenever he came visiting. Suzzie and Niel call me dad too so he adress me just the same, now shut up and go with him."

Smiling at their little quarrel, Stan spoke. "Actually, I came to get you two. Mom says lunch is ready."

"Okay then. You two head a long, I'll go inform your parents..." Yeon's father replied and just as they turned to leave, he stopped them. "...Oh! ...And Stannie, don't chew on my son that much. He is not food..." Suddenly, he stopped midway and became all flustered as images of the events of yesternight with his wife played in his mind. "Damn it! I meant to say....chew on something else...or a little less on my son you hear me!"

"Yes sir..." Stan was beginning to be more amused. Yeon and his father were alike at getting embarrassed.


"I mean...dad."

"Don't forget that!" He said as he pointed a finger briefly at Stan and strode away quickly without looking back.

Seeing that his father was a distance away from them, Yeon asked, "What do you want? Can't I spend time with my family for a while? Lunch is not until an hour away..."

"We are dating now so I'll openly show my jealousy whenever you spend more time with other people than me."

"What the heck? He is my father!"

"...And I'm your fated..."

"Big difference obviously..." Yeon rhetorted as he pushed his hair back in frustration then groaned at the movement. His body still hurt, not to mention the bite mark from Stan marking him. Glancing at the one he gave Stan on his shoulder, he smiled, briefly forgetting why he felt irritated.

"Why are we arguing in the first place? I was in such a good mood until you showed up?"

Stan seemed bemused all of a sudden before he reached out to touch his fated's face. "Yeon...your eyes...they are changing color..."

"What? I thought they turned dark red as they should..."

"Well, they look more scarlet red now..." Stan said as he moved to get a closer look then bent down to Yeon's eye level.

"Why is this happening?" Yeon asked seeming scared and confused. He remembered vividly how his eyes looked like post marking and today morning when he woke up next to Stan. "Are you sure Stan?"

"Don't panic, relax. We will visit uncle and seek advice once we get back. Let's just enjoy ourselves now okay?" Stan said as a smile formed on his face. He didn't want his fated to be frantic over the matter when they have been having a good time since they'd gotten here. Besides, they were to leave the day after tomorrow so there was no harm in waiting. If anything, his parents where always a resourceful backup.

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