113. Warm Bodies

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'His scent is sweet, and how he keeps calling for me makes me want to posses him, break him, just so I can be the only one to piece him up together again...

Have I completely lost myself? Why is it not yet enough? Why is he not enough!

Ah! It burns...his touch burns my already burning skin... I want to mark him yet again.

He smells so nice....Agh...! But why is he shaking so much? I should have hugged him then for in truth, I felt like comforting his hurt. His pain...

Is this arrogance I feel towards him for being able to dominate him? This feeling, this chocking feeling that churns my insides. Or perhaps it's nothing but superficial charm with no substance?

Elric, you become more and more wet down there...and that makes it feel extremely sensual.

As I look at your flailing body, seductively tempting me on, I question myself and my sanity to the things I've done to you. Months and months, I've knowingly caused you pain that you advently begged for, me playing the dominant when in fact, you're the one that dominates me, slaving me away to fulfill your ridiculous fetishes. Yet, despite objecting our violent plays, both physical and emotional, I find myself wondering if it's normal for me...for my body to feel like this...to like it this much...'

"You're too deep...!"

'The first time I awoke next to you and saw the scar on your neck, I froze and felt deeply upset. I could vaguely remember my thoughts during our first marking and I remembered thinking to myself how flawless your skin was. To think I'd ruin it up this way. Then I trailed my finger across your bruises from the punches I'd given you before then stopped and asked myself what I was doing. It scared me to think it was you chosen to be my fated. It must have been a mistake, I'd thought. That's why I ran away like a coward.'

"I....can't... It's too...much... Ah!"

'I don't like hurting you, yet, the thought of it turns me on. The way you moan, and fight the need to surrender until you can't endure it any longer. Perhaps the thought of the scars after our play have become meaningful to me.'

"Stop..! Hah..! You're ripping...me apart...!"

'Right here, when I press on it, I can feel the entrance to your womb and when I get bigger and bigger, I feel both your prostate and you tightening. It's ticklish, almost as if yore purposely holding me captive in you.

"Elric...It feels so good..."

'The more I dominate you, the more selfish I get. All those people you've been with...I wonder. How far did they go?'

"Tell me now...that it's only me..."

"...There...right there...Akh..! Don't...stop..."

"I know you've been...with a lot of people....but...I can't picture you with anyone else other than me... It's weird, I know..."

"...Gah! Ah...Yes..!"

"Think only of me...have sex with only me..."

'You're pretty Elric. The way your face twists and turns as I continue to pound you away, it's only for my eyes...'

"Do you understand Elric?"

"Haa! ...More... Give me more..!"

'You're making me go crazy you know that?'


Niel felt disheveled as he slowly opened his eyes. His body felt heavy and sore, a familiar feeling he knew too well after working vigorously in the farm with his grandparents.

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