170. Wedding Vows

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"Who I am as a person, my entire being, I give my word to you to be supportive, acknowledging and accepting you with your weaknesses and strengths. I promise to make you and our future family a priority in my life. I also promise to make you the main subject of that priority. I take an oath of patience and gratitude to love and to protect you, to share with you in your suffering and joy, to communicate when supposed to, to hold no grudges and to share my wins with you. In bad times too, I shall not abandon you nor avoid you. I have chosen to celebrate not just our union but to meet a fated is quite rare this days therefore, it would be arrogant for me to say I'm lucky for you are the one who made me lucky Yeon. My hand I give you, my heart and soul. You shall forever remain the love of my life forever."

"So, what do you think of my first draft uncle?"

"First draft? There is more?"

"Yes of course." Stan replied as if it were a matter of fact. "What do you think draft?"

"Sounds too emotional and heartfelt."

"That is what I was going for."

"But Yeon isn't that type. He is going to view your vow as too much."

Stan nodded. "I thought so too."

"Then why did you have me sit through it? Let's hear the second one. Begin."

Stan was tempted to pick a fight with his uncle but decided against it for he knew he was the one who needed help here. He'd practically booked this day out of his uncle's schedule to have him decide which vow was the best for his wedding. Flipping though another page of his notebook, he began to read his second draft.

"I knew you must be the one for me the moment I perceived your scent. Perhaps I always knew but mistakenly or ignorantly brushed that knowledge off. You are a much more upright individual than myself. You are compassionate, kind, genuine and generous even though you refuse to show it. I could never be like that. I'm jealous and petty..."

"At least you know that about yourself..."

"Uncle, let me finish." Stan complained.

"Go on." Dr. Jiwon chuckled, crossing his hands over his chest and leaned back on his seat.

"I am jealous and petty... I look up to your goodness for direction for your kind of heart is a rare find, your thoughtfulness unique and special that whenever you meet people and they discover these values in your personality, they want to keep you close..."

"Nope. This second vow is terrible. You're just parading to the world Yeon's weaknesses so they can take advantage of him. I thought you were supposed to be jealous and petty, by your own words, not mine."

Pausing to go read through the vow again, Stan nodded in agreement once more. "I already have enough competition with all of you wanting to keep what's mine. I wouldn't want to attract more people than I can handle." Flipping though the next page, Stan began reading his third draft.

"Dear Yeon, you have shown me in a short time more than I could have taken to learn my whole life. We have had our ups and downs, each time merging victorious. You've become my best friend and my favorite parts of the day is when I get to spend time with you. The challenges we have gone though brought us to this day and in that time, I have grown fond of your vulnerability, intimacy, when you put up with my silly ideas or just putting up with me in general. I'm aware I'm not an easy person to be around, sometimes I question myself if you'll become tired of me but each day, you prove me wrong, assuring me that you are here to stay for good.

I'm in love with your strength and your personality as a whole, your smile and gentle spirit which can become fierce in equal measure. You are my light and my everything, our for love for each other unfretted and only known to us. Thank you for supporting me unconditionally, for not asking me to change who I am, for blending in with my personality and forgiving me whenever I make you upset. For that, I intend to continue to dedicate my existence to you, celebrate your accomplishments with you all the days of my life. Please accept me as your husband for there is no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with except you."

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