86. Let's Play

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"They say loneliness is the prelude of love and if that's the case, it makes me wonder why you've chosen to intentionally lie to yourself of your past Elric, an act that has made you live that lie as your truth.

To share a secret together such as the things you shared with me during your imprint is a special privilege...kind of an intimate connection between two people who love each other and since I already know how you feel, I'll walk this path with you- damn you've made sure I can sense you all the time without uttering a single word. Therefore, since we are going to be united legally as you and your mother keep on insisting, what is the point of pretending anymore? I'm not going to fight you this time. I'll be your lover as you want me to be. I'll be loyal to you and I expect the same of you..."

"You must be feeling awful to do this yet you still have the energy to run your mouth. Stop quibbling with yourself and do as you promised. You tied me up real good I can hardly escape even if I wanted to." Elric laughed then rested his chest against the humid slippery bathroom wall. "Don't worry. Not even the servants will come here if I shout for help so do your worst, if you can manage to break me that is."

"Still taking this as a joke..."

"That's because you haven't the heart to do this Niel. You're soft. You fuck well I'll give you that, but you have zero knowledge of being a dominant. You should have just let me do it instead. I could teach you a lot of stuff. You couldn't even tie me up facing you that you had to hide my face from your view..."

"Shut up."

"...And what will you do if I don't? This is truly laughable even for..." Suddenly, Elric stiffened in an instant and began to tremble.

"I was planning on going easy on you but you keep provoking me." Walking towards Elric, Niel rested his chest on his back, pinning him further as he watched him tremble after perceiving his threatening scent. It was amazing that a small amount of it was enough to shut him up.

Glancing up at where he'd tied both of Elric's hands up, he wondered if the fitted steel towel holder could hold Elric's weight in case he squirmed around the way he was now. Elric had assured it was strong enough, bragging about the renowned architects that had designed his parent's home.

"Don't worry. If it breaks, sue me for lying." Elric had jocked while beign tied up.

"I wonder how you'll be able to endure it if I let out more of it..." Niel sneered when he noticed Elric begin to break a sweat. He knew he was trying to fight it but he'd given him prior instructions. To only use his scent when he allowed him to. Still, even if he were to do so, Elric's scent was much weaker than his. Niel had confirmed this several times but hadn't made his fated aware of it just yet.

"Are you ready surrenderign early after all that talk?" Niel spoke softly at Eric's ear and watched it redden instantly.

"Is...that...all you got....Zaddy... Ugh!" Elric squinted his eyes in pain, feeling Niel's scent getting stronger and stronger. He began gasping for air, as if he were chocking.

"You're very sturbbon and today, I'll teach you a lesson you will never forget."

Walking back to a medium sized bag he'd brought with him into the spacious enormous bathroom, Niel pulled out a black leather whip he'd earlier on purchased among other things. He'd never thought he'd have to visit a sex toy shop to get these things just so as to please his lover but since he'd had spare change he'd saved for a new cellphone, he figured he'd return the favor and pay back for the phone Elric had bought him.

Diminishing his scent gradually, he watched Elric's breathing slowly return to normal.

"My instructions to you are simple. I will give you five strokes. You've bragged of your past relationships inspite of us being fated five times and if I'm to add the number of times you've praised yourself of how good you are to your lovers, or the number of times I've had it from other people, then I'd probably end up killing you so let's settle for five. Nod if you understand."

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