84. What Happened?

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"I find it irritating when Yeon is here, then unbearable when I can't see him. I'm jealous that he has everything I have not. A good family, genuine friends. He has you."

"You've done whatever you wanted. You got my imprint...you know...you know me now... What else...?

"How meaningless and inefficient the human mind is. With a simple distortion, one is easily swayed by the things they have hidden in their subconscious. Things of the past that have nothing to do with the present them and their lives. Do you know what happens when you can't control your subconscious?" Mora leaned closer to Mijin, an inch away that she could feel Mijin's breath on her nose. "It wasn't a rhetorical question Mijin. There is a reason I don't have you gagged right now."

Looking at Mora straight in the eye, Mijin replied. "No."

Moving away, she spoke. "We make important decisions with it. The worst part is those decisions are what we call common mistakes- decisions made of fear from a glimpse of the little boxes in our head we have sealed away never to be opened, feelings, intuitions, conclusions, doubts...

If you were to put these all these things together, it becomes our instinct." Walking away from a tied up Mijin, Mora changed her mood and became cheerful all of a sudden. "Whenever I look away from you as such, you begin squirming around, planning your escape. I can't blame you. After all, it is your instinct to avoid danger. The same instinct I'm convinced warned you to stay alert when you came in here following me like a sheep but you simply chose to ignore it, deluding yourself into thinking you had the upper hand."

Turning to face Mijin again, she asked happily. "Would you like to have dinner with me?"

"After what you've just put me through, do you think I have an appetite for anything?" 

"If you wish to leave later, you have to somehow find that appetite Mijin" Mora threatened, a coy smile playing across her face.

"I have no intention of inviting more harm to myself just for the sake of you being entertained."

"I think you're mistaking my previous actions towards you. Currently, I'm more concerned for your hunger. You hardly had anything since you came here. You even rejected the water I gave you before my brother devoured you..."

"Fuck you Mora!"  Mora took a step back seeming startled at Mijin's yell. "So this is who you really are?" Mijin could feel tears welling in her eyes. Her body was sore with every movement. She hated that she'd been denied any clothing afterwards and Mora's brother sitting passively next to her, skin to skin made her feel cold, repulsed and nauseated.

"Everyone has a bad side. They just need someone to provoke it out of them so don't go looking for more trouble from me. I'm in a very good mood especially after having a taste of your imprint. Besides, I think quite highly of myself. I'm not this friendly with everyone as I am with you. I can be quite mean if I want to or have to..."

"Let me go...please" Mijin squirmed from the ropes that tightly bind her down. They were still in the same room Mora had brought her earlier into. She felt helpless and the fact that she couldn't understand Mora's mood swings, or read her mind made her feel more frightened.

"After keeping me waiting this long? Do you find my company irritating?" Tilting her head to the side, she asked. "Does it cause you discomfort?"

"Please...let me go..."

 "I think it's better to be a source of discomfort than nothing at all otherwise how would I get your attention?" Moving closer to Mijin, Mora spoke while taking one step after another. "Why did you avoid me all this while? Making excuses constantly." When Mijin kept on braving her sobs defiantly, she continued. "You get so flippant whenever I mention Yeon yet I promised never to cause him harm." 

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