33. Life Is Short

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"I wasn't expecting to find you already up and about Yeon..."

Yeon stiffened briefly before turning around to watch one of Stan's dads walking towards him. From the look on his face, Yeon could sense a deep concern, as if he had been worried he'd run away. "Sorry, I hope you didn't look for me for long..."

"Not really, I noticed your figure in the garden when I stood by the balcony." He replied, hoping Yeon wouldn't sense the panic he felt. He'd been surprised to find Yeon's room empty. After separating his son and Yeon whom they'd found lusting after each other, they'd carried him to his untouched room, which clearly indicated that Yeon had spent the night in Stan's room.

"I got bored when I came downstairs and found nobody so I got out for some air. While in campus, I used to visit the garden a lot. While there, I'd get many samples for several projects for my major."

"Stannie did tell us you studied biochemical engineering which I'm glad since your field looks into revolutionizing the field of medicine..."

"Yes..." Yeon let out a low laugh. "Maybe I could learn a thing or two from Dad Joss since his practice and my major are closely related."

"It's a boring career my dear, I'd rather you join me in the hospital so we can disect human begins together instead of plants."

Dad Robin felt relaxed seeing Yeon smile. He was curious though to discuss with him what had happened in the morning with Stan but before he could ask Yeon anything, he was surprised when he inquired the whereabouts of Stan. "Would you like me to fetch him for you?"

"No need. We had an encounter today morning. He must have put me to bed however, do not fret since it wasn't that serious."

Dad Robin hesitated before confirming to Yeon him and his partner were witnesses to their daring escapades. "You two were inseparable, drunk in lust for each other. What Stan tried to do to you was something similar to what you had undergone during your kidnapping. He feels great remorse over what happened and as we speak, his father is giving him a tongue-lashing. Hopefully, he can reflect on his actions and not loose control like that again."

Yeon felt embarrassed with how Dad Robin openly elaborated the situation he'd found him and Stan in....however, wasn't he the one who'd purposely provoked Stan? He had been very intentional with Stan. The previous night when they got back with Elric, they'd drunk for a while....but he hadn't been too drunk to not remember what they had discussed...

"I think you should go ahead and sleep with Stan Yeon, as his long time friend and brother, I can vouch for him that he'll satisfy you well..."

"Satisfaction is the least of my concerns. I want to end everything with him. Once he completes my marking, I'd be able to move on with my life. Staying here, playing home with his parents only gives me memories with them and I'd like to not bond with anyone in my life...including you Elric."

"Ouch that hurts. I'd hoped you'd at least remember I liked you a lot and how fondly I hold the times we spend together close to my heart..."

"You're too generous with your heart Elric." They both laughed at the sarcasm before his face grew grim as he said, "I have no more room for other people, my sisters, my parents and Niel...are more than enough." Glancing to look at Elric, he asked if he had seen Niel lately.

"So that's the guy Stan is jealous of...from the way you intimately call his name, I'm getting jealous too."

"It's an unrequited love which I don't intend to act on. I must admit I was tempted to pair with him but brushed away such childish thoughts when I remembered why I will never love again...or act on how I feel..."

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