52. Spoilt Little Brat!

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It had been quite a dramatic day yesterday however, Yeon's father's spirits seemed uplifted than expected. His rather positive mood surprised everyone. It was only when he'd taken off his shirt to bask under the morning sun that the rest understood why and having him and Yeon sit like that bare chested, they were a sight for sore eyes. It almost felt like they were both showing off how great a sex life they were having.

"I was thinking yesterday was going to ruin his mood but it appears all turned out too well. Thanks to his wife and Stan marking Yeon, he seems to be floating in the clouds..." Dad Robin commented.

The two pair were sitting under an umbrella on wooden seat recliners next to each other, just a few feet from where Yeon and his dad had sat.

"I don't think this trip was about his birthday. I believe he intentionally brought everyone here just to follow up on his son's marking, thank goodness Stan had his heat just at the right time. It was a great idea to not inform him of our knowledge of his upcoming heat."

"Yea. Can you imagine getting into an argument with Yeon's buff father? Not to mention his ever smiling mother...who might I add shook me to my core yesterday when she confronted her daughter using her scent. Fated mates do have it easy to instill discipline on their offspring using only scents. Can you imagine disciplining our Stannie like that? His lashing tounge would never have seen the light of day."

Looking at his pair, Dad Robin continued. "We are such weaklings...we need to start working out together again." Glancing back at Yeon and his father chattering on and laughing excitedly, he added. "Our son's scent is having such a rapid improvement on Yeon's mood swings and skin as well."

"With all the hickeys he's given him, he needs to take care of his fated. I'm a bit disappointed though. I'd hoped for a confrontation between him and Yeon's dad. He kept us waiting too long with marking Yeon..."

"You are way too coldhearted like your brother. Stan wouldn't stand a chance against Yeon's father." Dad Robin complained.

"Of course not...though I don't believe it's Yeon's father we should be worried about. Look at all the visible bondage scars on him. They must be into BDSM...maybe we can try that too..."

"If you are going to gossip about people please don't do it out loud."

"Stan!" Dad Robin exclaimed then stood up to greet his son, who was dripping wet from coming from a morning of excessive surfing. "So glad to see you...in fact, we've been meaning to talk to you."

Grabbing a chair to scoot under their umbrella, Stan sat down and asked, "What's going on? Is Yeon alright?"

"He seems fine sitting comfortably next to his father like that, lit up with hicheys like a Christmass tree, not to mention the obvious scar at the nape of his neck." Dad Joss said as he patted his son's back. "I'm proud of you, however be a little gentle with your beloved next time, unless ofcourse he is a machinist like his father..."

Stan frowned briefly then spoke. "You bite dad all the time so to each their own..."

"What the...!" Smacking his pair's head, dad Robin exclaimed. "I told you he sees everything!"

Grabbing his partners hand, he pulled him to his lap while laughing then buried his head on dad Robin's chest. "I'm sorry...I'll be more discreet next time..."

"I thought you two were planning on trying BDSM..." Stan said casually and his speech was muffled when dad Robin covered his mouth with one of his hands.

"Shut up and stop evesdropping on your parents."

"Honey, he is right. In fact, you'll make a good dominant and hurt me as much as you want...." Dad Joss added while laughing.

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