107. Don't Push Me Away

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"I must seem like I'm crazy sometimes Yeon, but I'm only looking out for my brother, just like Mijin is always looking out for you."

"Seriously, you can't expect my parents to accept your brother that easily. It will take sometime especially for my father." Yeon cautioned.

"Seeing you and Mijin together used to make me envious Yeon. That's why I wanted to be friends with you. I really wished we dated though. Too bad..." Mora said while smiling. "As you are already aware, my brother and I weren't exactly raised in a proper home. Regardless of that, I do not wish for him to be taken advantage of further."

Yeon had come to visit Mijin when he bumped into Mora. He hadn't expected to find her at his parent's home and it was his mother that informed him of Mora's visits to Mijin.

They were sitting by the dining area, Yeon constantly fidgeting on his seat. It was clear to Mora he was uncomfortable and Mora debated on whether to make him aware she'd noticed his open displeasure at the sight of her. 

"He did a lot of things Mora. Despite his condition, he still acted all on his own. Who knows where him and his friends were dragging me off to that night? What if Stan hadn't showed up? Besides, you and Mijin are equally to blame for it all..."

"Yeon, I'll atone for following Mijin like a fool all the time. I should have stopped her but I couldn't speak up. Mijin has such a strong character as you know. Defending my brother currently is the first time I've ever stood up to speak for myself." Mora seemed remorceful as she spoke. "I'm exhausted, constantly living in-between right and wrong. I'm tired from repetitively being used by Mijin or having to worry if she will stab my back at any moment. Living in fear is no fun Yeon, yet, you somehow forgive Mijin. Why can't you forgive me too? You doubt me despite my sincerity."

"It's not like that Mora. I could have died that day, gone crazy or much worse, be taken advantage of more than I already was. If Stan hadn't come after me..." Yeon stopped midway when he saw Mora extend her hand to reach for his on the table. They'd been sitting opposite of each other all this time.

Retracting his hands to place them on his lap under the table, he felt glad to have been quick enough to anticipate Mora's movements, who frowned at his rejection of her. Ignoring her disappointed look, Yeon continued. "You say you cared for me. Where were you when everubody had left me all alone there? Despite everyone being kicked out, you could have alarmed someone that I was left behind."

"I sincerely have no excuses. I guess I trusted Mijin too much since she had still been inside with Elric..."

"Mora your stories don't match." Yeon declared. "You are manipulative and I can't quite put my finger on it, but I get a weird feeling whenever I'm around you. Reporting your father that easily, surely..."

"Are you doubting me because you find it hard to let your parents know the things Mijin has done?"

Yeon remained quiet and stared at Mora. He had thought numerous times to expose his sister but everytime he wanted to, he hated having to relive the look of pity from his parents all over again.

"Look Yeon, I'm fine with you doubting me. I'm fine even if you don't like me anymore. I've exposed my entire family because of you. Your case being dismissed like that truly dumfounded me and yes, my brother should be punished just like his accomplices but please, dont' push me away. Use me. Use the information I have against my father to take revenge. Free us from him. Do you think I like it that my family is broken? I want to go back home too and be welcomed you know. I can't have that but my brother will. Mijin's pregnancy binds him to you all but don't worry, I won't be forcing myself on all of you. My only request is you let me stick around a little longer, at least share in the love your family offers. I'd like to know how it feels to have grown up in a loving home."

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