32. The Chosen One

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"What were you thinking Stannie? He is our guest! Your fated mate! Isn't it your responsibility to protect him?" Dad Joss was beyond furious, unable to calm down. He was pacing about, throwing his hands repeatedly in frustration.

"Honey stop it, you're making me dizzy..."

"This is a serious matter, you can't take it lightly just like that! What would have happened if we came in minutes later? If I hadn't suggested we leave early..."

"Honey please calm down, you're going to wake Yeon up..." Dad Robin stood up to pacify his partner. Holding his hand, he pulled him back to take a seat next to him.

They were sitting in a dedicated room downstairs which they had turned into an office. Often times, the neighbors would come unexpected times with medical emergencies, mild or severe hence, they were forced to create a working space which turned out to be quite effective and efficient in the long run.

"Stannie, I'm greatly disappointed in you. You met Yeon's parents and you were present when we promised to take responsibility for him. You're the one who suggested proving yourself a worthy partner regardless of being fated despite our interventions to hurry the marking completion, and we spoke on your behalf! Provoking your fated like that is completely mocking that naive vision of yours!"

"Even so honey, we both sensed two scents so this was a two way thing." Glancing back at Yeon, dad Robin asked, "did Yeon provoke you?"


"Then why were both your scents full of sadness mixed together? When we got here, it was hard to breath...this house was full of pain and your father is like this because of that."

"I'm sorry dads. It won't happen again. I take full responsibility..."

"That is not the point Stannie, apologizing doesn't solve this matter. If both of us could feel the sadness you were both sharing through your synchronized scents, then clearly something is not right with the two of you. I thought you kept your distance to practice controlling your scent? Isn't that what you wanted?" Dad Joss asked


"Then what happened? I've never perceived such a scent from poor Yeon since he got here. Most of the time it's hard to tell whether he's happy or sad. His dominant scent has always been sweet which is not uncommon for someone not completely marked. That couldn't have possibly been enough to send you to want to hump him so ferrociously."

When Stan didn't utter a word, Dad Joss continued, unable to win over his anger, "How can you think of mating with him? From the things you spoke of, your intention was to make him pregnant! Don't you know his womb isn't fully developed?"

Stan had never seen him this upset before. He was sitting opposite his parents, his fingers clasped together, rigid, unmoving...

"We had to induce high amounts of morphine on both of you because of the pain...is that what you two feel for each other? Pain? Are you perhaps holding yourself responsible for what happened to Yeon?" Dad Robin asked, a look of great concern on his face.

"No...it's nothing like that..."

"Then tell us exactly what happened so we can help both of you!" Dad Joss demanded. "This is what we do for a living..."

"Honey calm down..." Dad Robin pleaded, pulling his partner closer towards him. "Look at him sitting there in shock. He must be just as scared as we were and clearly, this has never happened to them before..."

"Actually, today was not the first time dads. I felt the same way when Yeon had been kidnapped. That's how I started scent manifesting..."

"That doesn't make any sense Stannie, Yeon was in a lot of pain then...." Dad Robin stopped abruptly as if he'd just discovered a new information. "If that was the first scent you reacted to, then a lot of things begin to make sense now. For example why he can't..." He stopped midway again, glancing at his partner then back at Stan. The look of worry only made the others nervous.

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