14. Choose Me

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Something smelled nice, felt nice too...warm, cosy yet very familiar. Had I fallen asleep?

The last thing I remember was feeling happy...movie...and then I went shopping with Elric.

"Elric!" My body moved on it's own and I found myself sitting up, my eyes wide open, unable to recognize my surroundings. Where was I?

"Finally you're awake. That's good."

I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It made me anxious and I turned around to find Stan behind me bare chested with only his trousers on. He was holding a skillet as if he had been cooking something, still...this place was unfamiliar to me. It didn't look like his room. It was much bigger and seemed more homey. 

"Before you start panicking, this is my other place. It's not far from campus and provides a great escape when I want to avoid people."

"Why did you bring me here if you don't want people coming here?" I tried to get out of bed but the strain in my abdomen stopped me. I knew what it was and I hoped Stan didn't know about it. Seems like I had to keep this position and buy time till I calmed down.

"I needed to get away from your sister and Elric, whom I'm disappointed you've suddenly become fond of." 

I heard Stan walk behind me then came and sat on the bed to face me. He was smiling, which was unusual of him.

"I've never seen you smile. You always were a grumpy one."

"Takes one to know one, yet how quick you forget we were laughing a few weeks ago after your heat....which reminds me, I'm still waiting for my favorite pajamas and the clothes I lent you..."

"I gave them back!"

"Calm down now Yeon. I can't handle you going into heat again."

"I went into heat?" I don't remember that, he was probably bluffing. Suddenly I saw the mark on his left cheek and remembered Elric punching him. There were also a few scratches on his neck.

"You did, and the marks you're staring at on my neck were graciously given to me by your lovely ferocious sister. I seemed to have...created a suffocating situation upon everyone before taking you away."

As I listened him explain the rest of the story, my eyes remained focused on his face. Turns out when a handsome guy gets smacked, it just turns him into a pitiful handsome guy. This felt strange. I remember feeling very much annoyed and anxious moments ago...but now I was feeling more calmer.

"Stop accepting everyone's scent. Right now there are about four scents on you. Your sister's, her boyfriend's, Elric's and mine. They may hide your scent but you and I both know that is not a lasting solution...hiding your scent I mean."

"Stop scenting me without my permission...and didn't Niel give you your clothes? I gave them to him when I came to watch your game....which might I add you're not that great."

"Let me bring to your attention that your eyes are hard to ignore. They stand out and secondly, whenever I smell your scent, it gives me a tingling sensation at the tip of my nose...like right now and thirdly, yes, your sister's boyfriend gave me my clothes back, though I was a little disappointed you couldn't wait to give them to me yourself."

"What do you want from me?" This guy was making me nervous, beating about the bush and acting like we were friends, yet I didn't feel repelled by him nor worry that he'd hurt me. Still, I was feeling uncomfortable around him that I couldn't bare to look at him. Additionally, he'd ruined my time with Elric. "Why are you sitting here all quiet? You're not doing much to stop rumors around campus that we are dating, word on the street is everyone is all of a sudden supporting the fundraising for that silly support group! Why are you also defending and speaking on my behalf to others? I never asked you to do that! It makes me uncomfortable...as if you're looking down on me..."

"I never once looked down on you and secondly, those people were constantly talking behind people's backs so I just pointed it out to them. If any of them came to apologize to you, they did so of their own accord. I never forced anyone into anything on your behalf Yeon."

He called my name for the first time...was it? Wait, why was I growing more and more calmer around this guy?

"I can't understand your actions. The moment I feel like I'm starting to get you, you do something completely spontaneous."

"You seem to forget Yeon that I'm a man too, patiently waiting for you until you grant me permission." I watched him raise his hand to my cheek but I couldn't bring myself to push him away. "Turns out I'm more selfish than I thought. Yeon, I'm sorry about last night."

"You even know how to apologize! This has to be a dream for sure."

"You may not remember but your heat lasted much longer than last time. I jerked you off till my hands hurt..."

What!? If I couldn't utter my shock, I'm sure he could read it on my face.

"I gave you inhibitors too but you were busy moaning someone else's name that you couldn't take it in so I had to forcefully make you swallow them through this..." He seemed amused as he tapped on his lips. "How could I refuse a pretty face when it,s flushed red and begging for me to take it, and looking at you right now, I would never have expected you to blush so hard just from a simple guy talk."

"Hey...you're too close. And stop touching my face..."

I felt relieved when his hands fell from my cheek and he moved back a bit. I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath for sometime. Seriously, what did this fool want from me?

"You probably don't care Yeon but I'm happy that you had your first heat with me."

"You're right. I don't care. Now keep your mouth shut and let me find my way out."

"Elric..." The mention of that name brought me to a halt when I was just about to get out of bed. "I'm sure he is buying his time, waiting to pounce. What will you do if he climbs on top of you and kisses you so suddenly?"

"He already asked me out and need I remind you to stay out of my business. I have to find myself a pair as soon as possible and at the moment, he appears to be the best option."

"Look elsewhere then..."

"Where? You?"

"I want to be with you Yeon. Does that give me the right to become your pair?" 

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