88. I'd Hate To Be You

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"Whatever you two fought over, get over it."

"Don't I get a say in an argument? It's our first fight..."

"Lies. You two have fought plenty of times. You just weren't aware of it yet."

"He makes me anxious all the time and whenever I offer to help he becomes upset. What I'm I supposed to do then? He makes me feel useless like he doesn't need me. What must I do then apart from wish to tie us together...or create an opportunity for him to need me? I hate that he so independent..."

"You loose." Dad Joss said plainly and Stan looked at him confused, unable to comprehend his father's statement. "You lost the fight the moment you thought this was about you."

"Of course it's not about me neither is it about him. It's about both of us..."

"Nope." Dad Joss shook his head casually as he comfortably brewed himself a cup of coffee. "It will always be about Yeon. If he can piss you off this way, then you've met your match. You two are trully fated indeed."

Stan was sitting opposite his dad at the kitchen counter, a glass of water next to him which he hadn't taken a sip of. He'd been on the same spot for hours, pondering over his argument with Yeon two weeks ago, frustrated from the silent treatment Yeon had been giving him. What tipped him off the most was Yeon kicking him out of his room despite his objections to the point of Yeon using his scent on him, weakening him in the knees until he had no choice but to submit.

"You don't even know what we fought about to begin with. Why are you taking his side?"

"Fix it Stannie, for the sake of your dad. You're beginning to worry my dear partner and that makes me unhappy." Lifting his cup to take a sip, he stared at Stan from the rim of it briefly, then put the cup back on it's saucer. "I think it's time we had a one on one talk considering how long your misunderstanding has lasted. A week is long enough especially when you two have only been properly dating like what- two months now?"

"Hey! It's been nine months!" Stan exclaimed.

"Since the incident yes, dating....nope. Yeon only accepted you after you woke up and I have proof of that" Dad Joss retorted, taking his phone off the kitchen counter and shaking it mid air. "It's right here when he ran in your arms so lovingly. Quite dramatic if you ask me. I can send you the video considering how full of romanticism you are."

Stan frowned, his eyes dropping to look at the glass of water next to him. As much as he hated admitting it, he knew his father to be right. The last couple of weeks had been blissful between him and Yeon. If it weren't for the constant misfortunes that kept befalling his fated's family, their times spent together would have been magical.

"I just like him a lot....why can't he see that I'm only being concerned for him and our future?"

"What did you do? I know for a fact Yeon wouldn't hold a grudge this long unless you did something completely stupid to warrant him giving you a silent treatment." Smiling, dad Joss reached once more for his cup and gave a mischievous look at his son, waiting patiently for his reply.

Annoyed by his father's staring, Stan shrugged his shoulders and asked. "What?"

"I'm thinking of how I don't know what you're going to say, but I bet you deserved a beating form Yeon. Specilatively, you're probably rushing him into something he may not agree with, you hardly give him time to breathe, you snore in your sleep or you bit him in his sleep...maybe... That's all I have for now."

"The truth is... it's...a little embarrassing..." Stan admitted.

"As you wish. I won't force you." Dad Joss took a sip of his coffee and pulled out a chair, sitting opposite his son.

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