171. What Are You Up To?

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"Fucking asshole!" Elric yelled, sauntering into the living room of his apartment and stopped when he spotted Niel rocking Lusha on his lap. The look on his fated's face was clear he was displeased with his profane choice of words.

"Language please."

"Some stupid twat just..!"

"Elric..." Niel called his fated's name softly as he shook his head disapprovingly, a gesture that  seemed to make Elric even more upset than he already was.

"Forget it. I'll keep it to myself then."

Covering the ears of the toddler on his lap, Niel asked, "What about this asshole?"

"He called me a fat cow!" Elric's response was immediate. "The case has been under wraps but someone leaked information that I was pertaking in it. I saw it online and I guarante you I don't look like the image portrayed! That camera crew didn't even capture my good side!"

Uncovering Lusha's ears, Niel cooperated along to ease his fated's anger. "Must be some newbie at their job then."

"That's what I thought!"

Covers Lusha's ears once more, Niel added. "You should have told that asshole you are cute fat cow."

"I did! Then he went on pestering me with questions that piss me off, describing my previous athletism while in the basketball team..." Elric hesitated before adding, "...stuff from the past I don't wanna say..."

"Is this asshole a former college fling?"


"Of course not." Niel replied sarcastically. "Anyway..."

"Anyway, I-I don't care what they think. I slept with his boyfriend so now we are even."

"You did what?"

"It's all in the past babe. Anyway," Elric spoke dismissively to avoid dwelling on the subject. "You say I'm cute and I believe you."

"What matters most is what you think about yourself."

"I'm gorgeous lovable, appealing and adorable! Think of all the synonyms associated with the word cute, thats me." Elric replied confidently, an endearing grin forming across his lips. To put more emphasis into his statement, he spread hsi arms wide and made a swift turn but stopped midway to rub his lower back. "This ache never seems to go away. Which remids me, did you manage to lower Luca's fever down?"

"Yea. The help and I came back from the hospital two hours ago..."

"I missed you." Elric interrupted while strolling leisurely closer to his fated.

"You always say 'I miss you' whenever you're feeling uncomfortable or culpable so don't worry. I'm not mad of your former flings. It's all in the past as you said and besides, you're already branded as mine with the tattoo on that waist I like so much."

"You know what you just said was hot right?

"Language please..."

"You're the pervy one. I could as well be referring to a hot weather...or a hot body like mine."

Niel smirked. "Really now?"

"Yes master." Elric replied, a naughty look on him which prompted Niel to laugh.

"Your mood was foil when you got here. Glad to see you back to your usual self."

"It's only because of you." Elric frowned upon hearing his words out loud. "Jeez, when did I begin to sound so cringey like Stan?"

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