71. Welcome Back

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Yeon felt a familiar discomfort around him and tried to hange his sleeping position with no success. Something was holding him back, a tight grip around his waist.

Half asleep with his eyes still closed, he reached to remove the obstruction and froze once he held onto it. The warm, taut grip from Stan...he'd recognize that grip anywhere. Stan had been like an octopus, trapping him from running away with his hands and legs. Well, Yeon couldn't blame him. Every time he often thought of running away the moment he'd woken up and became aware of Stan sleeping next to him. He'd only been successful once at running away and failed afterwards. Besides, Stan was a light sleeper, but not today.

Yeon could feel him breathing heavily behind him. It was a relief he hadn't yet woken up from his fidgeting.

Smiling to himself, he felt like he was about to burst with joy at the realization of Stan finally waking up. The past six weeks had been stressful thst he hardly slept a wink. He tried to reach his phone to check the time but wouldn't budge than a few centimeters Stan's grip on him had been firm.

He must have woken up in the middle of the night for us to be in this cupping position, Yeon thought to himself.

Just then, he felt his heart picking up its beat. He was becoming more and more anxious. The realization of having to confess his feelings to a conscious Stan dawned on him... but hadn't his uncle said Stan already knew?

There was no need after all was there? If he knew then that's that....

His thoughts were interrupted by the rumbling of his stomach. Just then, he remembered he hadn't eaten the previous night despite him salivating at dad Robin's cooking. He'd become immediately distracted the moment he'd heard of Stan's status that nothing else mattered.

"Now that you're awake, I'm sure dad Robin will arrange a celebration, if not your belated birthday celebration..."

Yeon flinched when he felt Stan pull him closer. His body stiffened as he pates attention to Stan's breathing which was still just as heavy as before. The only thing louder than his breathing was Yeon's thudding heart.

"How are you still asleep? You were always the first to wake up..."Just then, he heard a knock at the door and dad Robin, asking if he could come in.

"Yes..." Yeon replied in a low tone, hoping not to have woken Stan up. Apart from listening to his breathing he had no way of knowing if he was still asleep or not.

"Still the same way we left him in the night..." Dad Robin smiled the moment he spotted them. 

He walked cautiously towards Yeon's side and tried lifting Stan's hand up from around Yeon's waist but he wouldn't budge.

"Try using one of your scents on him. He seems tense." Dad Robin whispered."Ofcourse, why didn't I think of that before? Yeon thought to himself as he slowly began to feel Stan's hand slowly loosening up around him to which his father was quick to lift up and free Yeon.

"He is going to be frantic when he wakes up." Dad Tobin spoke as he slowly closed the door behind them. "You can use the shower in Stan's unoccupied room, or better yet, eat up first. You never came down for dinner yesterday. Jiwon packed the remaining leftovers for his wife haha!"

Yeon laughed at the sight of Stan's uncle stealing food away. It was hilarious and Yeon promised himself to tease his mentor about it later.

"I'm starving. It's a lazy day today and Dr. Jiwon told me to stay in with Stan for a while. Besides, my parents are visiting here today. It's such a relief Stan is awake to meet them too. What a rare coincidence."

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