53. I'm Warning You

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"I'm sure you're aware Mijin was to leave at first light?"

"Yes. Dad told me." Niel replied, his hands folded respectfully in front of him. He had had much respect for Mijin's parents and felt bad at disrespecting them yesterday. His violent actions had almost ruined everyone's mood. It was a huge surprise for him when he was met with a quiet and ecstatic mood from Yeon's father during breakfast.

"Were you two fighting over Mijin? You were quite furious so I couldn't ask you yesterday. Seeing now that you are more calmer, maybe you want to expound on that matter."

When Niel didn't utter a single word, Mijin's mother pressed on. "Since when did you start being so violent? If you don't speak up, I'll let dad do the talking instead..."

"No...it doesn't have to come to that..." Niel tensed at the thought of having Mijin's father in this conversation. He had a similar temper to his daughter and that realization only meant they won't go anywhere if they were to have a discussion. Her mother was much more calmer and composed though she had a threatening scent that made him weak in the knees. "I can't keep running away and lying to you all anymore and coming here has made me see that. I used to like Mijin a lot, maybe I still do but I was hoping she would come clean about some things by now but never did. I admit I was happy when I was invited here since you two have literally been my parents for the past three years and have made me feel at home yet, at the moment I feel conflicted over whom to defend. Mijin or Yeon."

"What do you mean?"

"If I'm to tell you anything, it will be the third time I snitch and I do not wish to do that. In this case, Mijin is the one to speak up over what happened to Yeon though I acknowledge some good did come from it since Yeon was able to meet his fated mate but I just can't be here and act all calm when Yeon is a brother to me. Besides, I fear Mijin may be up to something again and I'm afraid it may ruin Yeon further when he is just about getting his life back in control."

"If you're referring to the visit to the police, Mijin was the one who spoke against it. In fact, Yeon doesn't need to pay a visit to the police station anymore since after his marking with Stannie, whatever those perpetrators did to him has worn off."

"...But the investigation might soon come to an end mom. Mijin knows that and is aware it will put her in a safe place...however, if indeed the investigation finalizes, what about the the other people involved in that scandal? They are still roaming free. If the police pull out from constantly watching over Yeon and Stan, they might become targets of revenge. I do not believe those people worked alone. They must be in some sort of mafia to have pulled up such a stunt in confidence..."

"I understand your worries and concerns for Yeon's safety however, how does Mijin come into this?"

"Please ask her of her involvement in that matter. She knows more than she lets on. I do not wish to be the bearer of bad news but that is all I can say for now. I just can't stand seeing Yeon suffer yet again. He has been nothing but a brother to me mom."

"Okay son. I'll follow up on this matter discreetly with Mijin. However, I still have to inquire how that explains your violent behavior towards that poor boy. He gave your father and I a wonderful gift as you saw. Do you have any idea what it means for his family to invest in our gym? Your father and I have been looking for a good investor to expand our facilities, not to mention fitness programs  beyond just the gym. When we found out which family he comes from, we were shocked. His mother is one of the most respectable and veteran lawyer...that the thought of meeting up with her gives me jitters..."

"I'm sorry I acted that way..."

"You must talk to him before he pulls out from this offer, not to mention suing you for physical assault!"

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