102. I Need Your Help

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"Stan, what are you doing here?"

"I offered to help out today. Now that this place will be opening up soon, you could use more hands." Stan replied as he glanced around the gym.

He hadn't managed to set foot in this place since the last time he'd promised Yeon's parents to visit at least twice a week, a series of events had taken place, one of them putting him in a coma.

"No one informed me you'd be coming." Suzzie seemed more shocked than surprised to see Stan. She watched him walk towards her while scanning the area. It had been quite messy since renovations were still ongoing.

"It was last a minute decision. I was nearby and thought to check this place out. I havent paid a visit since the fire and before too..." Stan stopped midway and took a halt.

"Are you okay? You look flustered."

"Oh, yea. I'm a little under the weather but do not fret. I already paid a visit to the doctor." Stan smiled to himself at the memory of Yeon's little panic from his mild fever, which explained why he'd become moody the previous day, sulking himself enough to irritate Yeon by pointing out everything that dissatisfied him. Luckily, Yeon had been too cooperative, a rather unexpected response than his constant opposition to anything suggested by Stan.

"Then you should probably rest a little. I won't be needing extra hands since I was just winding up and the last of the renovating team have already left. Luckily, the executive rooms are all set so you can take one briefly and I'll time you." Suzzie added with a satisfied look on her. "Would you like for me to call someone..?"

"Oh, don't worry yourself about me." Walking around while nodding his head, Stan said. "Looks like Elric's mom really meant business."

"Yes she and Elric's funding helped pick us up after the minor fire threat. We are all thankful that this place looks much better than it did before. It's as if everything happened for a reason." Showing Stan around, she confinued. "We added more advanced equipments and renovated one of the sections which used to be an executive room and turned it to a 'Family Area' for nursing parents. Additionally, we've catered for those with disability and are looking into hiring instructors trained in handling special needs customers. Previously, all we focused on was making this place elite like but now, as much as there is need to maintain that title, we've added more facilities, equipments and features that makes the gym all inclusive. The executive rooms are no longer called that but have been renamed as 'Quiet Area'. Additionally, well be advancing to a secluded soundproof 'Business Center' section for those that intend to touch up on work and meet deadlines without missing a workout session."

"Wow. You guys really outdid yourselves." Stan seemed completely won over.

"Yes. We are planning to come up with a mealplan for both pairs and fateds too. Yeon's parents have been working on that since the gym shut down. We would have had a restaurant here but that will make this place loose it's original purpose. Still, it's something that can be considered for the future depending on demand. Moreover, most of our clients are anxious to get back. We've lost some and compensated others who had prepaid membership but life happens. We can't always control the unexpected."


Suzzie raised an eyebrow after noticing how fidgety Stan had become all of a sudden. "I get the feeling that you are not here because of helping me. Is something up with Yeon?"

Shaking his head vigorously, Stan responded. "Not at all. He is very healthy. It's just me that's a little ill but it has nothing to do with fateds. Just a migrain from overthinking about Yeon and our future."

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