166. Breaking Down

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The extra weight was beginning to feel familiar. It reminded Elric of the time he'd been pregnant however, this constant heaviness came with an aching pinch in each and every muscle on his body. He tried to shift the weight, groaning aloud with every move then gave up upon feeling a sharp stabbing pain from his lower back. That same pain he'd silently carried and endured every waking morning, forcing his muscles to wake up and move.

It always felt worse in the morning after his body had come from proper rest although, something was different today. The soreness he felt all over his body was an extra discomfort he didn't want to have to deal with that he reconsidered his decision to be off painkillers he'd discontinued from taking as soon as he began breastfeeding.

The sound of a heart beating gently, followed by the warmth that came with it flew his eyes wide open. The realization that he'd been resting his head atop Niel's chest made him flustered. There was no doubt that the deed had been done for it explained why he'd been aching all over. 

Paying attention to the rise and fall of Niel's chest, Elric's head raising along with it, he smiled, dedicating his attention back to the slow beating heart. It was evident that Niel was still deep in slumber. 

Yesterday evening upon his fated's return from work, he'd vowed to do everything he could to end the tension between them for Neil only spent time with him when he breast-fed the twins, or after their bath while moisturizing both Lusha's hair and Elric's. 

Those moments had been awkwardly silent however, Stan's scolding still lingered in his mind. Owning up to his childish tantrum, Elric decided to handle things the only way he knew how to. 

Niel went ballistic upon Elric's declaration that he had already applied and was accepted to be part of a team of independent lawyers, who'd later question Mora's father when he was to be allowed to defend himself in one of the cases filed against him. He'd known Niel would definitely be against it but what better time to inform him that than this. Additionally, he'd been pondering over how to bring the subject up even before their conflict but now that Niel was furious, the timing couldn't be perfect. It was like hitting three birds with one stone. 

Niel's argument inclined towards the safety and future of Luca and Lusha while Elric used the opportunity to point out he wasn't a considered part of that safety. 

"You're the reason we'll begin worrying about our safety! Why should I concern myself with your protection when you don't care about yourself?" Niel had scoffed out of anger, to which he instantly regretted and apologized but Elric would have none of it.

As much as he was feeling hurt, Elric played along, riling his fated up until he couldn't take the guilt anymore and offered to come to a consensus.

"Let's stop fighting." Niel had said. "I'll sleep here tonight okay? I'm sorry..."

Elric dissimulated his joy beneath a visible agitated expression. Niel had rose to the bait.

A light tap on his head startled him followed by a hand stroking his head gently. Lifting his chin up to come face to face with Niel, he whispered, "Zaddy the baddie in bed."

"You were awake?" Niel asked, his voice heavy from sleep.

Teasing, Elric sniggered, "For a while now. I was enjoying the sound of your beating heart." 

"Well, I felt yours beating faster so I was a little tensed. Are you okay?"

"Nothing skips you by huh?" Elric's face flushed upon realizing how attentive Niel has always been. He'd been too distracted with his thoughts that he hadn't realized he was getting excited with his cunningness to have finally made Niel sleep beside him. He became even more flustered upon the memory of how physical they'd both got and wondered. 'Did I pass out while doing it...?' 

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