125. A Good Mother

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"I'm worried about Mijin and how she will take this matter."

"Well, she is acting as her usual self. She can't stand Mora's constant visits just as much as I can't. We are to act normal right? That's our daughter being normal." Yeon's dad replied while putting on his shirt. He'd just got back from the gym and was feeling rejuvenated after taking a shower.

"I've been thinking sweetheart that perhaps Mora staying here for us to find her weakness gives her an opportunity to equally find ours as well. We stand at a disadvantage." Mijin's mom replied, her face pale and her stare blank.

"I worry when I leave you behind alone with her here. Let me stay tomorrow and you go to the gym. Suzzie misses you."

"I'm the only one of us two who can overpower her with my scent."

Sitting down, Yeon's dad touched her partner's cheek caringly. "I don't like this at all."

"Yeon seems fine though. His relationship with Mijin has improved. Perhaps they've clarified their misunderstanding."

"I also noticed he comes home frequently these days, often accompanied by Mora. They appear too friendly and that makes me anxious."

"I find it odd too. When I mentioned to Yeon the probability of Mora using his former room, he objected but before he left, he told me it was okay...and why does Stan never stay? They leave together as soon as he gets here to pick him up."

"I smell something fishy. They are still keeping secrets from us. For all we know, anything could happen right under our noses."

"Exactly. Mora claims that Yeon picks her from her classes or sometimes they go for coffee and what not.."

"You think Yeon had a fight with Stan and he's avoiding him?" Yeon's mother panicked.

"I don't think so. Stan's parents always update me whenever there is something happening..."

"Sweetheart, we gave Yeon away to them and Stan is his fated. Stop spying on Yeon like that. With how Mijin is right now, do you really think we have time to worry about Yeon when he is surrounded by such capable people?"

Yeon's dad chuckled and stood up. "Mijin has always been your favorite."

"Yet she confides in you." Mijin's mom sighed and stood from where she sat. "I've always despised using my scent to discipline her. Perhaps I should have accepted a long time ago our daughter's narcissistic tendencies instead of trying to change her."

"Compared to Mora, we are lucky to have Mijin."

"They both can't be redeemed. However, Mijin is more unlikely to commit a crime than Mora."

Yeon's dad frowned and began walking towards the door of their room. "All this talk about that girl will give me nightmares. I'm thirsty, you need some water?"

"Yea, thanks. I'll come with you."

"Don't be so gloomy. We've go this. We have our gym back and better, Mijin is staying with us, Yeon and Stan are doing well too and Elric's mother said our common enemy is finally willing to agree to a settlement."

"Still, how did we end up here? We were only after Yeon's attackers, then Stan and Mijin...now it's Mora's family?"

"Remember what Elric's mother said. Uprooting the roots kills the entire tree. We can't take Mora down without the father."


Kissing his fated, Yeon's dad spoke in assuarance. "I'll be back in a jiffy then check up on Mijin later."

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