116. Moral Compass

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"Where is he?"

"The farthest room from the left."

"Did he receive any visitors?"

"Apart from his lawyers, there have been none."


"Yes. He is facing multiple charges against him so there have been numerous allegations to look into but they have been divided accordingly in a way that....."

"He should never be set free." Mora murmered to herself. As much as she dreaded facing her father, she knew it was inevitable for them to meet in the end especially after him demanding a number of times for them to have a one on one sitdown. This time in particular, she had to show up after a long time family lawyer and a friend of her father insisted she tag along.

"If you reject his request to meet him again, he will go public with whatever he has against you."

"And what might that be?"

"You'll have to meet up with him to find out."

"What a rare sight." Mora's father spoke with a broad smile. From the looks of it, he hardly showed any sign of discomfort, rather, he looked more composed and relaxed than Mora had anticipated him to be. "Finally, you show your precious face."

Mora ignored her father's remarks and took a seat infront of him. There was a large table separating them two and a man, whom she'd assumed to be an armed police officer stood behind her father.

"Don't be afraid. He is here to make sure neither of us harms the other, but I have no intention of harming my own daughter."

"Why did you call for me? We have nothing to discuss..."

"Where is your mother?" Mora's father asked. "She'd have enjoyed the current sight of me."

"Stop wasting my time and tell me why I am here."

"I was informed you've been receiving funds to sustain some childish project while in campus. Is that your new way of laundering money from me? Or perhaps you've finally found your moral compass..."

Mora's face twitched at her father's last remark. "You can resist all you like...being locked up suits you well."

"Oh, I find it more fun for both of us. It's been a while since we played a game together. I'm sorry my attention has been focused on moulding your brother to take after me when you were infront of me all this time. I should have known your brother was a weakling just like his useless mother."

"He is not hers. I know everything there is to know."

Mimicking a sigh, Mora's father continued, his witty expression remaining unchanged. "I'm sorry to say this, but the more you two plot against me, the more I prepare myself for days worse than this. I'm not that complaisant as you think. Reflect on how I taught you to always be one step ahead in the game. Your mother must have taught you two thousand steps, which I'm sure you've applied and executed efficiently while you two conspired against me but do you know the disadvantage of being many steps ahead of an opponent? You become exhausted and confused. You loose focus and start forgetting things. You mix up the steps then miss a few and soon enough, your entire plan falls apart."

"Why I'm I here?" Mora could feel her heart thudding louder and louder as her patience ran out. She'd promised herself to remain calm but that promise was beginning to fail miserably infront of the person she despised the most. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and a smile formed on her face.

'Fuck. Now he knows I'm intimidated by him.'

"Careful now. I showed you that move but doing it infront of me is just sabotaging yourself infront of an opponent."

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