Ch. 8 - "I actually do sing."

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• Rachael's P.O.V •

I open my eyes realizing that there was loud bangs at my door and that I was asleep, I take my phone out of my pocket and realize that it was like six in the evening.

I check my text messages and see that I'm in a group chat with everyone who is at my house.

From Tay: What happened? 😱

From Chels: Open the front door!!! 😭🙏

From Nash: Rachael, are you alright?

From Kallie: I'm sorry about earlier, I'm stupid.

From Sammy: Rachael, can you please open the door? I'm sorry about earlier even though it wasn't my fault. 😞😁

From Hayes: We finally managed to open the front door and now we have to try and unlock yours, what is happening?

From Tay: Rachael you better reply, tell me what's going on.

From Car: Gurllllll!!! Open theee door! I be not taking ya shopping if you don't open da door right now missy!

From Thing Two (Jack G): Wtf ^^ Can you open the door? We're all scared.

From Tay: Rachael, wtf are you doing?! Open the god damn door!!!

From Maya: I'm worried, are you fine?

From Matthew: Rachael open the door! 😭🙏 please!!

From Cam: Open the door!

From Shawn: Please^^

From Johnson: Rachael, we love youuu.

From Tay: If I think what I think you're going to do.. I'm going to take everything sharp and dangerous out of your room!

I roll my eyes at Taylor's text and get up off of my bed, I open the curtains a bit and look in the mirror, I look like a mess. My hair is a really bad birds nest, my eyes are black from the mascara dripping down my face, my eyes are red and puffy, and my cheeks are tear stained.

I sigh and open my bedroom door and walk down stairs into the kitchen where everyone else is, they all look at me and run up to me.

"Rache, are you okay?" Chelsea asks and I shake my head. I push past everyone and walk to the fridge grabbing a big bottle of Sprite and chugging it down. They all look at me and I roll my eyes still drinking it.

"Where's Taylor?" I ask and they all look at me worriedly. "Where is he?" I ask again and this time, Sammy speaks.

"He was worried about you, so he went and got your parents." Sammy tells me and I roll my eyes. I can't believe Taylor sometimes, he always thinks I'm going to harm myself when I'm not.

"Ah whatever." I say and walk back up to my room locking the door. I grab my makeup wipes and take all of my makeup off and putting new layers on instead, I finish and take some black combat boots out of my closet and put them on.

I brush my messy hair out and just leave it putting on a black snapback, I grab my black bag and put my phone inside along with earphones, a charger, and some extra cash inside. I walk down stairs and take Taylor's keys since he took who ever's car what was parked in the back of his car.

"Rachael where are you going?" Matt asks and I shrug walking out the door and into the car. He runs out and jumps into the passenger seat, I just look at him in response.

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