Ch. 16 - "Can I do something?"

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• Kallie's P.O.V •

"Someone carry me, the beach is too far away." Rachael whines. "Rachael, you got two legs." Ian says to her, I laugh and watch as Matt backs away from picking her up.

I look to my left and see a bunch of fans running towards us, I stop and then look at everyone else.

"Guys, there are fans." I warn everyone, they all groan but all the guys stop. "You guys go ahead, we'll be there in a bit." Nash says.

I smirk at the girls. "Race ya." I say and then start running. "You cheater!" Maya yells at me, I look back and see all of them catching up to me.

"Run Kallie!" John yells. "They're catching up to you!" Ian yells, I laugh and run faster down the boardwalk.

Just as I'm running I bump into someone, clumsy me. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." I say quickly getting up.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." The guy says, and then he looks up at me. "Hi, I'm uh Aden." He says and holds out his hand.

"I'm Kallie." I smile, we shake hands and the next thing I know is that I've already got his number.

"Can I do something?" He asks. "Sure, why not." I laugh and then put my phone into my shorts pocket.

I look up but then feel something on my cheek, I realize that he just kissed my left cheek. I was about to smile back, but I was just to shocked to even move.

"Whoever you are, keep your hands off of my girl!" I hear, I look up to see Carter. "Carter, I'm not-" I get cut off by him covering my mouth.

Aden backs away and Carter looks me into the eyes, slowly placing his hand off of my mouth. "Okay now.. Can I do something?" I nod my head pleadingly.

"STOP!" Someone yells from the distance, we both turn our heads to see Chelsea. "Save the PDA for later." She says passing by me and Carter, we just laugh.

I playfully punch his arm and run. "Yeah Carter." I tease and walk beside Rachael again. "I ship ya both." She whispers, I give her a look and she starts laughing really hard.

"DA BEACH!" Taylor yells obnoxiously as we approach it. I laugh and jump onto his back, he quickly catches me and holds me up. "You're light." He says. "I'm not heavy?" I ask. "Nope, not compared to everyone else." He tells me.

"Well maybe it's because she's tiny." Rachael laughs, I give her a look and she starts laughing harder. "Sorry Kallie." She says, I roll my eyes at her and hit Taylor on the head.

"Run faster!" I yell at him, wanting to swim already. "Okay okay! I get you're on your period!" He starts running faster. "Shut up." I laugh and throw my shoes off before he can reach the water with me still on his back.

"Kallie, you can swim right?" He asks, slowly reaching the water with his feet. "Yeah, only in the shal-" But before I can finish he throws me in the water.

I try touching the ground but then realize I can't, I start freaking out. I try swimming up to the surface, but I quickly get pulled back down. I'm 5'2, what am I supposed to expect? I'm not tall enough to touch the ground.

• Taylor's P.O.V •

"Okay Kallie, you can come up now!" I yell loud enough for her to hear, and she still doesn't pop up. "Kallie!" I yell, she still doesn't come up.

I start getting worried and then start thinking, I threw her in before she can even finish what she was going to say, maybe she said she can only swim when it was shallow.

"Oh shit! Kallie!" I scream and everyone behind me looks, I frantically run on the dock and quickly dive into the water.

I can open my eyes under water, but the thing is that it's too dark to even see. I try looking around for her pink shirt but I can't find it, I swim up to the surface to get some air.

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