Ch. 13 - "Maylor?"

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• Taylor's P.O.V •

I've been in the girls hotel room for hours, waiting for Rachael to wake up from the black out she had earlier when we were penny boarding back to the hotel. After mom called, Rachael started to get nervous and kept freaking out, she couldn't handle it so she blacked out.

"Taylor, I'm tired. Can you go back to your room now?" Chelsea groans, putting her pillow over her face. "Shh, I'm waiting until she wakes up."

Kallie comes out of the bathroom and groans when she still sees that I'm on her bed. "There is no way I'm sleeping on the floor." "You won't, I just want to make sure she wakes up." I state.

I stare at Rachael's face for an expression of some sort but whispering distracts me, I stare down at the lamp and listen to Kallie and Chelsea's conversation.

"They were never this close last year." Kallie says. "Yeah, I know. But I think Taylor changed." Chelsea whispers back, I smile and look back up at Rachael's face again, ignoring their conversation about me.

Just then her nose starts to twitch, I smile meanwhile watching her flutter her eyes open. She looks at me and smiles weakly, she tries to lift her head up but winces in pain instead.

"M-my head, w-why does it h-hurt so much?" She asks, leaning back down on her pillow. "We were riding back to the hotel when mom called, you were really worried so you ended up blacking out." She nods her head barely.

"You should get to bed, you have cheerleading tomorrow." I tell her, she shrugs but listens. I smile at her cuteness and kiss her forehead, I walk over to Chelsea's bed and kiss her on the forehead also.

"Ew! Gross, Tay." She groans over dramatically and throws her pillow over her head again. I laugh and pat Kallie on the head, there is no way I'm gonna get close with her again after what happened with Carter.

I do like being close with Rachael and her friends, it's just that Kallie and I used to- kinda have a thing back then. I don't like her like that anymore though, she's exactly like my other little sister and I love her for that.

"What? No hug?" She whines partially, I laugh and hug her, she hugs back but what feels like seconds we both let go. "You should get to bed, you have Magcon tomorrow." "Yeah, and you have the cheerleading thingy. Night."

"Night, Tay." And with that, I walk out of the girls room and down the hallway to the room I share with the rest of the boys. As soon as I'm about to knock, I hear my name being shouted from down the hallway.

"Rachael?" I question and she runs up to me. "I need to ask you something." She breathes out. "Are you and Sammy still friends?"

I freeze, how in the world did she know that Sammy and I fought earlier? She was blacked out the entire time, but she somehow knew that we were beyond pissed at each other.

I sigh. "No, why? How did you-" "I think I had a dream about that, oh yeah.. are Carter and Jack G fighting over Kal?" She asks.

I'm so amazed on how she figered all of this out, what next? Is she going to find out that feud between Brent and Chelsea?

"Yeah.." I trail off. "You should get to bed, I'm exhausted." I tell her, she nods and walks back in the direction her room is at. I sigh and knock on the hotel room door.

After hearing muffling and someone falling on the floor, Shawn opens the door. After what happened between me and Sammy, there is no way I'm going to stay in the same hotel room as him, so Shawn was nice enough to trade places with him.

He backs out of the doorway to let me in, I smile weakly and walk past him, he shuts the door and turns on one of the bed lamps. I look around the room and see both Brent and Aaron crashed out on one bed, I walk past them and to my suitcase. As I'm digging into my suitcase for shorts, Shawn sits down on the empty bed and watches me meanwhile crossing his arms.

I finally find a pair of basketball shorts to sleep in, I turn around to look at Shawn and he's furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I ask, he puts his arms down and shrugs. "Sorry, I'm just tired. It's almost two a.m."

I nod and quickly change into my basketball shorts and get into my bed, keeping space between Shawn and I. That would be just a bit too gay if we slept at least two inches away from each other.

{A/N; do u guys get it? no? okay..}

• Rachael's P.O.V •

I wake up to the vibration of my phone, I didn't want to put it on ringer because otherwise the girls would wake up and they would be cranky considering I am awake at six thirty in the morning.

I get out of bed and stumble lazily to my suitcase, I pick out an outfit for today and grab my makeup bag. I walk into the washroom and get the shower going, after I'm done I jump into the shower, probably only taking twenty minutes.

I jump out of the shower and start doing my makeup, I start by doing my concealer, then powder, then bronzer, then blush, then light pink lipstick, then eyelid primer, then winged eyeliner, then mascara, and then I darken my eyebrows. After I'm finished I get dressed.

My outfit:

- Light denim washed shorts

- Black Star croptop

- Black knee length boots

- Black choker

- Denim jacket

I dry my hair and decide to leave it naturally straight just because we have the cheerleading championships later on, I walk out of the bathroom and grab my phone along with my brown bag.

I walk out of my hotel room only to hear another door close, I look to see who it is and smile. "Benjamin." I smirk and walk towards him.

"Ugh, don't call me that." He whines and I laugh but embrace him in a hug. "Fine then Hayes Grier." I sass and he laughs, he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"Shall we?" "We shall." We walk down into the lobby and walk out the entrance. We swing our hands, after what seems like minutes we begin to dance to our imaginary music and he twirls me around meanwhile walking down the sidewalk.

"Where are we even going?" I ask, he stops twirling me and then just holds my hand. "I- Starbucks." He points across the street to the nearest Starbucks.

I groan, I don't really like Starbucks but he manages to drag me to it anyway. After we walk into Starbucks, girls start to mob us like crazy and I wasn't expecting anyone to be up at like six thirty, not even Hayes.

Speaking of which, don't boys usually get up the latest? It's not normal for them to get up so early.

"Hayes, can I have a picture?" A girl asks. "Rachael, why are you with Hayes? Are you guys dating?" Another girl asks. "Can you please sign my hand?" A girl asks, Hayes does nothing but pretend to smile and leads me through the girls.

A couple of workers push the girls outside meanwhile we go in the back, I sit down on one of the chairs and sigh. Hayes looks at me and sort of frowns, he takes a seat across from me and looks me in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, I deeply sigh and shake my head. "Nothing, I'm fine." "C'mon, tell me." "I said I'm fine." "You're lying."

Right away I start to get mad, if I don't want to talk about it then we shouldn't talk about it. He's really annoying me right now.

He sighs and then goes back onto his phone, "The famous Maylor is coming to Starbucks." He tells me. What's Maylor? Is that a ship name or something? I'm so confused.

"Maylor?" I ask, he shrugs but then nods his head.

Who the heck is Maylor?

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