Ch. 46 - "You're home!"

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• a week later, back in Indiana •

• Rache POV •

I was in my bed scrolling through instagram when Nash walked in. He smiled at me and then jumped on my bed.

"Hi bae," he cheesed. I turned on my side and laughed. "Can I help you?" I asked. He only shrugged and got under the covers with me.

Ever since we left Arizona Nash has been by my side 24/7 and I have no idea why, but Hayes has been avoiding me also.

"It's 3pm, why are you still in bed?" He laughed. I shrugged, "I'm waiting until 5 so I can go see Taylor," I told him.

They moved Taylor down to our hospital back home to make it easier and I'm glad they did or I wouldn't have been able to come back home, I can't leave Taylor's side.

He sighed, "Rache, you're always at that hospital." I shrugged, not really caring. I mean, what does he expect if I'm the reason why Taylor is there in the first place?

"Can't you go one day without seeing him?"

I gave him a look and rolled my eyes. I got up from my bed. "No I can't." I said. "It's just a day, Rache." He said. "I'm the reason why he's in there Nash! Don't you think you'd do the same if it was Hayes?"

He sighed, getting off the bed and walking over to me. "I'm sorry," he said pulling me into his arms and kissing my forehead. I nodded and he let me go. "If you want, I'll come there with you," he forced a smile.

I nodded, "Yeah, just let me get ready." He smiled and I walked over to my closet. I grabbed leggings and a baggy long sleeve. I quickly changed in my bathroom and did my makeup.

I walked back out and Nash was on his phone waiting for me. I walked over to him and he looked up at me.

"You look beautiful," he cheesed. I blushed. I know it's only been a few weeks since Matthew and I broke up but my feelings are growing fast for Nash. "Thank you."

We walked downstairs and everyone was in the living room as usual.

"Hey guys," I said. They all said hey and things like that. "Where's my mom?" I asked. They shrugged. "She said her and Elizabeth were going out shopping," Chelsea said. I nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Her and Nash followed.

I grabbed the left over food my mom must of made earlier and sat down at the island. They gave me a look.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full.

"We don't think you should go see Taylor," Chelsea started to say. I looked at Nash and he ran his hand through his hair. "Chels, I already told you how I feel, why can't you understand that I have to?"

She looked at Nash and he shrugged.

Was there something going on here?

"Rache I know, and I'm sorry you feel that way.. can you just go back upstairs?" She trailed, looking away. She does that when she's hiding something. I crossed my arms, "Tell me what you're hiding and I'll go back upstairs."

She looked surprised and so did Nash.

Either their secretly a thing or something else is going on here that I don't know about.

I just hope it's the second option.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said. I rolled my eyes and she gave me a look. Nash awkwardly watched us stare at each other and I waited for her to snap and tell me.

"Since when do you keep secrets from me," I snapped. She kept her eyes on mine and deadpanned, "Wow you're so funny you should be a comedian," she told me. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks, I learned from the best," I said, hinting that it was her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Why don't you just–" before she was going to finish what she was going to say Nash cut her off. "You don't want to get her in a bad mood before you know what," he told her. She nodded.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" I asked.

They looked at each other and called Kallie into the kitchen. She came in and looked at us. "What do you want?"

Nash turned to her and whispered something in her ear, she smiled and walked over to me.

"Rachael bae!" She yelled jumping onto my back. I groaned barely holding her up. She was a lot heavier than she looks.

"Get off Kal,"




We argued back and fourth until Nash yelled at us to stop, making everyone else come in.

"We thought Erika and them were back, you guys are so loud," Cam told us. "That was mainly the girls," Nash said to him. We all glared at him.

"Why are you guys arguing anyways?" Carter asked. "They're not letting me go to the hospital," I said, crossing my arms. Everyone looked at each other but me.

What the hell was going on?

"Okay someone tell me why it seems like everyone is keeping something from me." I said. No one said anything. "Well I guess I should go see Taylor then," I mumbled.

I walked over to the door but before I could open it someone was opening it from the other side. I turned to see my parents.

"I thought you were with Elizabeth.." I said to mom. She only smiled. I then looked at my dad and he looked really happy too, what the hell was going on today?

Just then someone else walked in.

I turned to see someone I've missed so much.

"Tristan!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around him. "You're home!" (AN: lol fooled ya! you totally thought it was Taylor am I right or am I right?? jk did I actually fool anyone tho?) Call me a bad sister but I totally forgot I had a little brother.

He groaned pushing my face away as I tried to kiss him. "Rachael you're annoying," he told me. I smiled and let go of him.

Believe it or not I actually missed him.

"So is this what everyone was keeping from me?" I asked as I looked at everyone. They all smirked nodding their heads.

"Wow you guys suck," I shook my head and they laughed.

Nash came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "You don't mind though, right?" He asked, talking about the thing with Taylor. I just nodded.

"So are you like my sisters boyfriend or something?" I heard. We both let go and looked at Tristan. "Uh no," Nash laughed awkwardly. Tristan looked at me and then back at Nash. "Rachael has a moustache and she always waxes it so no one knows!" He tells Nash before running upstairs so I don't fight him.

"Tristan!" I yell. I hear him laugh from upstairs. Everyone starts laughing including mom and dad. "It's okay, I do it too," Chelsea shrugs and I smile at her. "Ew gross," Sammy teases and kisses her nose.

I make a face at them. "Ew gross." They look at me and laugh.

"My mom waxes her moustache," Nash shrugs. I look at him and start laughing. "Nash!" I yell. "What?" He asks.

"Honey, I don't think you were supposed to say that," mom laughs. We all laugh and he looks embarrassed. "I'm younger than you and I even know not to say stuff about mom when she's not around," Hayes laughs. I look over at him and he looks away. I frown.

"Don't tell mom," Nash shrugs. I look at mom and she's smiling while shaking her head. "Oh Nash."

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