Ch. 21 - "What now?"

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• Maya POV •

"I'm soooo tired." I whine once we get off of the plane. Ian puts his arm around me and kisses my head. "Don't worry, at least you'll get to see Taylor a day earlier than we expected." He tells me. I smile.

We load our bags into the van and get inside, I sit down beside Cameron and lay my head on him. I don't feel bad because well, Cameron is basically a brother, Taylor doesn't get jealous, and I'm really tired.

He wraps his arm around me and I close my eyes.

it's like 8am, and we've been flying all night, jet lag sucks.

"I wish I came home with the others yesterday." Chelsea says. I agree with her. "I wish you sucked my dick yesterday." I hear Sammy. I turn around to look at him and everyone does the same.

"Sammy! Very inappropriate!" The moms yell. We all laugh. God damn it Sammy, even though you're gross, you're like the funniest guy.

We pull up to the house and we all wait, the guys unload the bags and I grab mine and run inside.

"Taylor!" I yell. He comes out of the kitchen and comes running towards me, I go running to him and he picks me up and spins me around. "I missed you so much!" I tell him. "I missed you too." He says.

He puts me down and I kiss him. I hear cheering and I turn around, seeing everyone at the doorway. I smile and hide my face in Taylor's chest.

"Aw is someone embarrassed?" Taylor coos. I hit him jokingly. "Let's take your bag upstairs." He says. I nod and he grabs my bag for me. "Did I miss anything at all?" He asks me. I shake my head as we walk into the room.

I look around and realize Rachael's not here. "Where's Rachael?" I ask. He looks at me and frowns. "She's staying at her 'dads' house." He says.

I feel bad, like I know Taylor and Rachael usually spend everyday together but it's just that Taylor gets sad when she's not there.

I take his hand and get him to lay down with me on my bed. "I'm tired." I frown. He smiles and pulls the blankets over us. "I missed sleeping with you." He smirks, I look at him and all he does is wink. I laugh and hit him with my pillow.


I wake up alone and look around the room, I see Chelsea and Kallie sleeping in one bed and I get up.

I check my phone and it's like 5pm, that's weird, it feels like I've been sleeping forever.

I go downstairs and all of the boys and parents are up.

"Well good morning Maya!" Chad says, I smile and all the boys look my way. "Are they still sleeping?" Carter asks me. I nod and sit down.

I look around the room and realize Taylor isn't anywhere.

"Where's Taylor?" I ask. I'm not clingy, it's just, every girl notices when her boyfriend isn't there. "He went to go pick up Rachael." Nash says.


• Taylor POV •

"So what you're saying is, your younger brother helped you sneak out last night and you guys went to a volleyball game at the beach?" Matthew asked Rachael.

So last night, what ever the hell Rachael said, snuck out with her younger brother Reed and he brought her to the beach to watch a volleyball game and apparently there was also a party.

"Yeah, but then I don't remember how I got home." She says. I look at her from the mirror meanwhile trying to drive. "You're 16!" I yell. "And? What's your point? I didn't drink, Taylor."

The only way she wouldn't remember is if she drank, so she must've drank.

"I wasn't suggesting you did, but YOU did, so you must've!" I yell. She starts laughing. "I would never drink in my life." She says. I look at Matthew and he looks at me back.

"If I were to drink, would you let me?" Matthew asks, turning to her. She takes awhile before answering. "Well I mean, no, but if it was for a good reason then go ahead."

I raise an eyebrow, "What the hell would be a good reason?" I ask. I see her shrug in the mirror. "His birthday, oh I don't know, can we stop talking about this?" She says. I could hear the annoyance in her voice.

"When's the next magcon trip?" She asks. I stay quiet for awhile, let's just say I didn't forget or lose the dates.

"Next week." Matthew says, checking his phone. Of course he has it on his phone. "Am I going?" She asks me. I mentally slap her, did she forget that's she's apart of it now?

"No you're not." I lie. Matthew looks at me. "Why?" She asks. "Because, you went drinking." I laugh. I hear her groan and the next thing I know is she's kicking my seat.

"Stop! I'm driving!" I yell. She stops and I pull into the driveway. I park the car and she runs out. I groan. "What now?" Matthew shrugs and we walk inside.

When we get inside everyone's in the living room all focused on Rachael, she's crying with mom holding her. of course.

"Taylor what did you do?" Mom asks me. I look at everyone and they're all glaring, it's not like I did anything wrong. "Nothing, absolutely nothing."

She glares at me before asking, "Then why is she crying?" I don't know what to say so I just shrug. "Matthew broke up with her." He gives me a look.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yells. I chuckle, "Just kidding, she just started crying." Everyone glares at me and starts to hit me with their pillows.

"Aw c'mon I'm funny." I say and everyone yells at me. "You're dumb." Kallie tells me. I look at her. "Aw, just like you." I smile. She looks at me and takes my bandana off my head.

"Kallie!" I yell. She laughs and starts running away, I look at Carter and he just shrugs. I run after her and pick her up by her waist, I take the bandana and go into the backyard.

She starts screaming and punching my back, but before I can throw her into the pool Nash comes running out. He runs towards us and pushes the both of us in.

I swim up to the surface and glare, "What the hell!" Everyone comes out and starts laughing. "Nash you jerk." Kallie says to him. All he does is laugh.

I look down to see my bandana all wet, and that's when I get all emotional.

"My baby!" I scream. Everyone looks at me weird as I go swimming towards it, I pick him up and frown. "You killed my favourite bandana." I snap at Nash.

Everyone starts laughing, "Taylor you're so dumb." Rachael says.

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