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"Do you know things about kick boxing, (f/n)?" Levi came closer to me, seemingly surprised. 

"Ah, well.. I do know some basic stuff I guess. You know, I've watched a couple of matches on the TV.." I lied, scratching the back of my head.

"...I see. So you realized that they're practicing fouls, huh?" He crossed his arms.

"Obviously!" I exclaimed. ''..Uh, I-I mean, that kick really didn't seem to be allowed under normal conditions.." 

He raised his eyebrows. "..Right. Can I ask you what kind of sport you used to do before?" 

"..Swimming." I found myself bursting out.
"Uh-huh. It's true that your body seems quite ripped. And the fact that you decided to train again, is something that I can actually admire. Most people give up after some time.." A slight smile appeared on his face. 

Oh wow. I just felt a warm little tickling inside.

"If you really wanna be a champion, you will never give up training. No matter what. No matter the obstacles. The only thought in your mind is to keep fighting." I stated, "If you give up, you were never worthy of becoming a champion on the first place.."

Levi stared quite amazed at me. "..why the hell did you stop practicing?" 

"..why?" I startled.

"I haven't seen this much passion on someone for years.'' He insisted, ''And you seem to realize what championship is actually made for. So I just don't get it, why did you stop? You would have definitely made one hell of a career.."

I looked down. He was right. He was so fucking right. It is the harsh truth, that I'm trying so hard to run away from. But it hurts me so much that things didn't happen the way I wanted them to.

"You see.. I just never thought I'd be qualified enough to make such a talented swimmer." I made up, as I attempted not to get emotional. Again. "I wasn't really that good.."

He crossed his arms. "You didn't think you would..? Huh, I never thought I'd ever hear that from someone with such confidence and stubbornness. It doesn't sound like you.."

Oh dear God why does he know me so well already.

"..well, it's a little complicated.. it's something I don't really like talking about.. '' I muttered.

He flinched. "Oh, sorry. I didn't want to hit a nerve."

''No, it's not your fault. I just don't wanna end up crying out of nowhere.. I'm much stronger than that."

He smiled. "I'm sure about that. But you know, crying doesn't make you seem weak. It actually shows that you're powerful enough to express your feelings. Not everyone is capable of that.." he huffed. "And I look up to anyone who has the strength to do so."

"..so if I start crying about it someday, you won't think I'm pathetic?"

"Of course not. I would admire that, actually." He continued. 

"Heh, now that's something I haven't really heard before. '' I giggled. "Thanks, Levi. I thought you didn't care about things like that.."

"Not care? I'm your trainer, ain't I?'' He raised one eyebrow. ''I'm supposed to do so. You chose me and decided to stay, afterall. Most people don't." 

"It's because they only see how rough you seem on the outside.. And they don't dare to stay." I continued, "And.. maybe I did too, but I decided I ain't gonna give you up."

"And why is that?" 

"Well, because I trust you." I smiled. "And that's the main thing I'm looking for on my trainer." 

"..I see." He gave me a smile back, the way he can make my heart melt. Ah fuck it's so pure.

"Then you'll trust me on making your diet program too, wouldn't you?" He smirked.

I gulped. "..I hope you ain't planning to make me starve.." 

"No. You will need to eat more, actually." 

"Alright then I'm in." I beamed.

"But you'll mainly consume protein. And you'll try to cut down on carbs as much as possible." He explained.

"Carbs meaning..?"

"Bread, fried food, all king of fast food, soft drinks, pastries and of course, all kind of candy."

Ah I see he's all about to make me starve afterall.

"And what the hell am I going to eat..?" I nagged.

"I told you, protein-filled food. Mainly eggs, preferably raw, chicken, oatmeal, low-fat yogurt, selected fish and galons of milk. You will follow my diet, pretty much." 

"..And I will make muscles like yours, huh?" I chuckled.

He smirked. "It's not that easy. But you'll be on your way, combined with my training program. But you need to strickly follow it. Got that?" 

I nodded downhearted.

"Good. Pass by Sasha before you leave, and she'll give you a written diet. You should start from tonight. So, no ice cream for dinner."

How the hell did he guess?

"What should I have? Raw eggs?" I crossed my arms raising my eyebrows.

He lightly pulled me from the top of my shirt.

"Preferably fruit. With some yogurt, if you want. And don't you make that mocking face at me, champ.." 

"Sorry, boss.." I continued, imitating him.

" I continued, imitating him

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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now