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I breathed heavily as I walked down the aisle towards the ring.

"Hey (f/n), I don't wanna upset you, but Levi hasn't shown up yet.." Sasha grabbed my arm, right before I pulled the ropes up.

"We called him a couple times at home but he didn't pick up.." Ymir continued.

"Are you sure everything's alright?" Annie placed her hand on my waist.

"You're okay, aren't you?" Christa approached me.

I took a deep breath. Do I seem fucking okay?

But what the hell am I supposed to do now.

"It's a bit of a mess, y'all. I can't sit and explain now.." I huffed. "Just pray for me to get outta this damned fight alive."

They flinched back, taking glances at eachother, as I moved inside the ring.


"Hey, come take a look at the TV, Reiner! (F/n)'s fighting tonight!" Jean shouted.

"Pftt. Finally we'll have someone as hot as Jess to look at.." he scoffed. "Where the hell is that bastard, Levi, though?"

"Really.. I don't see him anywhere in the crowd.." Jean took a better look around.

"That asshole. His bitch got in the final and he didn't even show up. That must be cause of Jess.."

Jean clicked his tongue. "Levi wouldn't leave her like that on her most important fight.. but where the hell is he?"


"Connie, Hanji, would you come here for a second? Isn't that (f/n) fighting on the tournament tonight?" Erwin called.

"Damn, it really is her! She actually made it in the final!" Connie cheered.

"And wait a moment, isn't that plushie down there, near her corner, Rocky?" Hanji noticed, "Heh, of course she'd carry it with her."


"Welcome to our grand final of the kickboxing tournament, where it seems like we'll be having the fight of the year on this ring tonight!"

The referee walked into the ring as both me and her got to our corners.

"On the one side, we have our three-year in a row champion, who I'm sure you all remember just by her presence alone; Jess Green!"

I can tell you that the crowd fucking lost it when he introduced her. I didn't know she was that popular with the crowds. Or maybe it's just all her male fanbase that get their dicks hard by her.

"And on the other side, we have an absolute rising star that joined the tournament and reached the top just by her first try; (F/n) (L/n)!"

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"And on the other side, we have an absolute rising star that joined the tournament and reached the top just by her first try; (F/n) (L/n)!"

Heh, I did get quite the cheers as well. I'd be damn surprised if it was just her that had her fans.

"Shouldn't we do a quick doping test on her, first? Considering we all know who her trainer is.."

Lots of people cracked up when she opened she whore-ass-mouth.

"As a matter of fact.. Levi Ackerman, (f/n)'s trainer, who has been making quite the appearances on her previous fights, is nowhere to be seen tonight!"

"Well, they don't let you off rehab that easily." She smirked.

I clicked my tongue. "I'm sure you'd know all about that."

"Hm, I see both of our girls have gotten here pretty heated up! Jess has already started showing her rough love to her opponent. She never misses the chance to mock.. but I'm wondering how (f/n)'s responding to that!"

"Well, whoever's got such a big mouth, usually it's because they ain't got nothing else big; heart, talent.. balls."

"You're the one to talk, when the only big thing that brought you here is luck?" She clenched her teeth, "A worthless bitch from the streets ain't got no right talking to me that way."

The crowds have been going fucking crazy by now, lemme tell you.

"We're here to use our fucking fists, not lips." I didn't hesitate to keep playing with her.

"Replace the 'fists' with 'drugs' and you'll finally have your first sentence spoken right."

"Damn, they both be getting even wilder.."

I crossed my arms, leaning on the ring's ropes.

"If you're having such a big fucking issue with that, let 'em dope test me. But we're doing a test on you as well."

She scoffed. "What, did Levi teach you any tricks on how to fake being clean?"

"Oh believe me, he wouldn't have a clue about any of that shit. Right, Jess?" I smirked.

She hissed, as she walked towards the center and I followed, our foreheads meeting. Thank God the refeere got in our way, otherwise we're gonna get kicked out before we even start.

"Now come on, girls. I wanna see a clean fight between the two of you. I know you two have some personal issues, but you'll have to keep all that outside the ring."

We both nodded, placing our fists in the middle.

"I'm gonna fucking screw up those lips of yours. Then we'll see how much Levi will want to kiss them again."

"I'd love to see how you'll spitting all this shit outta your mouth when you'll be missing a set of teeth."

"Alright then, I think we can all agree it's high time we see those two do some damn kickboxing!"

"Wait, sir.." I paused him. "There's something I want to let Levi know."

He flinched, turning back at me.

"..so Levi's watching us from somewhere, hm? Go ahead, (f/n)!"

I huffed, turning at the camera that was turned the closest to me.

For some reason, I could feel that he was watching. I couldn't explain why, I just felt that he was.

 I couldn't explain why, I just felt that he was

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Ahhh I had too much fun writing this chapter, I love having those spicy interactions with Jess 😩

too bad our man ain't here to see tho

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