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extra long chapter! have fun babes ♡

"Alright y'all, guess where we will be going tomorrow!" Sasha announced, as she gathered the main cast near the reception.

"I hope it will be someplace with better air conditioning than this.." Ymir sighed, "we have started melting in here!"

"You're close" Sasha snickered, "we will go at that huge waterpark near Goldenlake beach! You know, that one with those big pools that make hot bubbles!"

"Those are called jacuzzi's, actually.." Annie noted. "..but it doesn't sound bad."

"It will be awesome! Y'all are coming, right?" Sasha exlclaimed.

"Duh- Why the hell have we been training for? To showcase our muscles in parks like these!" Ymir snickered.

"That's not the reason why we're training, Ymir!" Christa snapped, "but we will come, I think it will be fun!"

"I won't. It sounds too childish.." Mikasa crossed her arms.

"Oh c'mon, Mikasa..!" Sasha nagged. "what about you, Eren?"

"'Course I'm coming! Will it have waterslides too??" He asked curiously.

"Obviously!" Sasha responded, in the same energy.

"Wait, I changed my mind. I will come too."

"Now you're talking, Mikasa! ..what, did Eren make ya change your mind?" She smirked.

"U-Uh, no.. I just like waterslides." She rolled her eyes.

"Pfftt.. better watch out, kid.." Ymir leaned at Eren's shoulder, "she's caught feelings for ya.."

"Hey Ymir! Don't give her away like that!" Christa complained.

"..you really kind of like him though, don't you?" Annie leaned at her.

"I do find him cute." Mikasa admitted.

"Damn, I've forgotten how straightforward she is! This isn't too embarrassing for you Eren, is it?" Sasha giggled.

"Nah, I don't get embarrassed easily. I haven't ever been called cute before, either.. usually (f/n) calls me a complete dumbass..'' He snickered.


"Fuck, it's so hot in here these days.. look at all this sweat..!" I complained, wipping my forehead with a towel.

"You're sweating so much because you're doing my program properly today. You really need me to keep an eye on you constantly, don't you?" Levi crossed his arms, as he began wipping his face.

"And why are you sweating too, then? You haven't done half as much as I have today.." I snickered, moving towards him.

"I never denied that it is too hot in here. And I've done double as much as you, before you've even woken up." He smirked, stepping near me.

"Hmm.." I rolled my eyes. "..can I take a break for a little? I've been working out for almost 3 hours straight now..!"

"It hasn't even been 10 minutes, you idiot.. you're just sweating more than usual today; but that doesn't mean that you can get away sooner."

I have forgotten that Levi would never do me the favor to shorten down my training. Only because he's been a little lenient on me lately doesn't mean that he's changed.

"...then how about a deal?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Enough with the deals. I've been doing you favors too many times now. And you know that I never do anyone any favor when it comes to training."

Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now