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When I woke up in the morning, I was still trying to comprehend that I would actually have a kickboxing fight after so long. I wasn't that much nervous, as I was excited. I've been training with Levi for such a long time now, that I finally feel ready to fight again.

Speaking of Levi, we had great sex last night. Not that sex with him is ever bad, but last night was specifically good. He must have wanted to warm me up for the fight. Seriously, he takes such good care of me I'm gonna fucking die..

I moved into the kitchen after I took a quick shower, realizing that he was already making breakfast. The way this man can maintain an everyday schedule is just too much for me.

"Morning, babe.." I kissed his lips softly, as he placed his arms over back. "You got up early and we didn't cuddle in bed.." I pouted, "..but since you're making breakfast, I'll forgive you.."

He smirked right back at me, placing his hand on my cheek. "I gotta pamper my girl a little. Are you ready for today?"

"I can't wait.." I smiled, as my cheeks blossomed. "..do you think I'm ready?"

"Babe, you have that pre-match for breakfast. It's only your ticket for the actual fights we have been training for.." he softly bit his lips staring into my eyes, as his beamed.

This man gives me so much motivation it's honestly driving me insane. I'm so glad I'll have him right by my side in each of the matches, only his presence there will give me all the strength I need to get back into the ring.

I would have really loved it if Eren was here too.. Mikasa and him have gone to his penthouse in Florida, and from what he's been telling me, they won't be coming back any time soon. 

I can't let him know I'm getting back to actual kickboxing fights, though. If he finds out, he won't let me fight because of risking permanently harming my leg. He might have been supportive in me getting back to training before, but actual kickboxing fights are rough and dangerous. He definitely wouldn't have agreed on that. From the beginning, I was supposed to start training again only if I sticked to that and didn't get back into championship. That was our deal.

I'm really disappointed I can't tell my best friend about it. It means so much to me. It's gonna be such an important journey until the world tournament. And I know I'm acting naive and irresponsible myself, but there's no way I'm backing away now. I'm finally living my dream again, I'm finding my damn purpose in doing the thing I love the most. And this time, I'm doing it with the person I love the most. 

I can't even imagine how Levi's going to react if he finds out how serious my leg injury is, and how dangerous it is for me to be in fights. I can't tell him. At least, not until the tournament is over. I told Eren to keep his mouth shut about it a couple of months ago, too. I trust him in such matters, so there's no reason for me to worry about Levi finding out.


I could barely grasp that the match was starting in less than ten minutes. When I put Levi's gloves on, I felt exactly like the first time I was going to fight. I smiled, as I walked out of the locker room and into the ring. I jumped over the ropes and moved towards my corner, where Levi was standing.

"Show me how you kick some ass." He whispered, as he placed the mouthguard on my teeth.

"Don't you take your eyes off me." I whispered, lowering my head enough so that our foreheads would meet.

I turned around and walked towards the ring's centre, as the opponent girl moved towards me. I could feel the adrenaline running down my spine as we both raised our fists up and the boxing bell rang for the first round.

Levi's P.O.V.

That final stare she gave me before turning around sent goosebumps all over my body. Her eyes beam with such confidence that you can see the fire that is burning deep inside her. My babe is so fucking determined.

Just the way she moves on the ring.. you could never tell she has been training for just two months. This girl was fucking born to fight. Her punches are much stronger than the opponent's. She has worked on her speed too. She'll have her on the first drop down in less than two minutes.

I can't take my eyes off of her. The sweat dripping down from her forehead to her chest makes her even hotter than she already is. Her triceps show off so well the way she fights. Just look at those damn muscles.. holy hell.

The only thing that bothers me is her defense. She has worked on it, but she still leaves herself too vulnerable. Her opponent is no match for her, though. After the first knockout, it's clear she can't catch up quick enough. Give her a right cross and she'll be done for.

Wait, she just did.. a side kick..? Damn. How did she even come up with that? It was.. perfect for that moment. Not only she did it out of nowhere, but it was powerful enough to bring her opponent down, for fucking good this time.

"..8, 9, 10.. it's a knockout! (F/n) is into the world tournament!"

She made it. My babe fucking made it.

Oh my fucking God.. that smile. The smile that appeared right on her face after the referee's announcement made my heart stop. I'd kill for that smile. She turned back at me, as she kept on huffing loudly. The excitement almost brought tears to her eyes. 

She ran towards me and jumped over my chest, giving me the tighest hug. "Levi.. I, I won..! We.. we're going for the tournament!"

"I know, babe. I know." I smiled, as I felt her steady breath on my neck. "You were fucking breathtaking out there. I couldn't take my eyes off you.."


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