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What the hell could he mean by field trip..?

Maybe he's planning to get me to a park filled with gym equipment. Or we could be going on a trip near the sea to do exercises.

Who knows what the hell Levi has in kind this time.

I hope he's not thinking of some kind of punishment, though. I didn't do anything wrong this time, did I..? With a man like him, I can never be certain.

We'd probably get hot, however. It's about 40 degrees out there today. So I'll better find something extra light to wear.

I went through all of my closet and realized that all of my high-waist shorts and tanked tops were in the laundry. Damn, why the hell did I decide to get randomly productive and clean them all yesterday? Where did my usual lazy ass go?

I searched a little more and I only found some old sports bras that I used to wear when I was kick boxing. They were a little too provocative on my chest though, so I hesitated a little before putting it on.

And when I say a little, I mean that you could barely realize I wasn't completely naked. And don't let get started on the nipples.

I didn't usually mind wearing this during training, but there's something holding me back with Levi. I don't wanna end up feeling embarrassed all over again around him.

I decided to put on a jacket over the sports bra. Hopefully I wouldn't get that hot that I would need to put it off.


"Morning, Levi!" I greeted him, entering the gym.

"Casually early as always.." he rolled his eyes at me.

"Good morning. I hope you ate a wholesome breakfast, because you're going to need the protein."

Why do I get shivers each time I hear that word lately?

"So, where are we heading?" I asked, as we entered the subway. "Is it some place fun?"

"Sure, you can say it will be fun. For me, at least."

Oh shit.

"But what is that place?" I kept on asking eagerly.

"You'll see, you'll see. Don't be so impatient.." He placed his hand on my hair. "Why did you dress so warm though? It's going to be really hot today.."

"Nah, I'll be just fine."

Pftt I'm so fucked.

We got off at Central Park station, where I knew was a really big sports park.

"Wow, are we going at the central park, Levi? I heard it's so fun there!" I beamed up excited, as I walked around and took a look near the area.

"You're close, but that's not it. It's a place even better than that." He stated, as he pulled my arm and pushed me towards his way.

I pouted as we walked away from the park, and actually went on a entirely different destination.

"Here we are."

"Wait, wait a minute.. But this is a track field! This is for.. running!" I exclaimed in shock.

"I just love that observance of yours." He crossed his arms. "I decided to bring you here so that you can practice running. Properly."

Does this guy want to kill me or something?

"But Levi, I don't like running at all! Why don't we go at the park to do someth-" I attempted to suggest, but Levi paused me.

"We're staying here." He insisted. "You can't just avoid things that you think you can't do, only because you haven't tried enough. We'll leave this place once you've taken a different look on running."

"In that case.. running isn't such a bad exercise, afterall."

"I don't want to hear that from you. I want to see that." He demanded, taking me into the field.

"We'll start with something light." Levi began.

"Wait, wait, I know.." I smirked. "15 turns non-stop running. As fast as I can, until I can no longer breathe normally. Did I get it right?"

"Very clever." He raised his eyebrows. "This time it will actually be light, though. I can't let you run without stretching first. Do some warm-up exercises. The ones I've taught you."

I clicked my tongue and began stretching my arms. I'm really not escaping it this time.

"Hey, Levi.. do you like running?" I questioned. 

"I don't hate it, but I don't really like it either."

"Oh, you should run along with me then. You can't avoid things that you haven't tried enough to do, right?" I smirked, raising my eyebrow.

He came closer and pulled my arms down, as if he was doing the exercise for me. "You enjoy being sarcastic at me, huh? Don't play around too much though."

He lowered his glance at me. "Don't forget that I'm the trainer. I pick the exercises, and you do them. Not the other way around."

"Thanks for the reality check, Levi. I'll keep that in mind." I scoffed, as I pulled my arms back up.

He immediately pushed them back down. Damn, I felt how much strength he has.. he almost dislocated my shoulders!

"Oops." He huffed.

"Enough with the warm-up. It's not like you will run a marathon or something. You're not going to last that much anyway.."

"Oh yeah? Bet on it! I will run as much as you'd like. With. No. Complaints."

He smirked. "Woah, now that's a statement. Very well then, we have a bet. If you win, you'll have the freedom to make up your own program for the whole week, with no intrusion of mine."

I beamed up right after I heard that. "Great! And if I lose..?"

"Late-night training every day. The two of us at the gym, for three months." He continued. "Do you still agree to have the bet?"

I gulped, as I realized that I would need to spend all off my nights training at the gym with Levi, If I lose. But it was too late to back off now.

"Deal!" I exclaimed. I began sweating nervously when I saw Levi smirking devilishly.
Oh boy. This time I'm fucked up for real. He won't let me win by any chance.

But you know something, I won't lose so easily, either. 'Cause me and Levi have the same damn stubbornness, and both of us refuse to lose that easily.

And I ain't gonna lie, that's one of things I love lost about him.

And I ain't gonna lie, that's one of things I love lost about him

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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now