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[Levi's P.O.V]

Waking up next to this damn girl every day is such a blessing.

The way she snuggles up on my chest is so fucking adorable. She's so warm and cuddly. As if she finds a little hiding spot in my hug where she feels the safest in.

She holds on to me so tightly that's it's almost impossible for me to get off the bed. But I want to let her sleep more today. She needs all the rest she can get for the afternoon.

I wanted to surprise her with morning sex, but she's still so heavily asleep that I'll have to delay that for later. She ain't going to that fight until I fuck her brains out.

I'll have her prepared a warm bath with candles first. She loves waking up to that. And I got to do her massage as well. That always turns her on. I fucking love hearing her soft little moans as I stroke her all over.

The only thing is that we don't have anything to prepare her breakfast with. With all the training we had to do this past week I forgot to go to the store. I better go get her something special from outside.

I went to check on her as I walked in the bedroom to put my clothes on. Look at my baby. She's all tucked up with that little tiger I got her once. She always needs to hold on to something while she's asleep. I can't take how fucking cute she is.

Sometimes it really surprises how that kind of a girl with such a soft side can be a damn professional kickboxer, that's going in the tournament tonight

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Sometimes it really surprises how that kind of a girl with such a soft side can be a damn professional kickboxer, that's going in the tournament tonight.

Her fighting skills impress even me. She's improved so drastically these past months, from the time I announced her about the championship. She's so dedicated. So fucking serious about what she's doing. There ain't nothing stopping her tonight from being on that ring.

And Jess.. I didn't even know she participated in the tournaments. She never talked to me about championship back then. It must have hit her after we broke up.

But from everything I remember, she was fucking talented as well. We used to fight together and were almost on the same level. And since she's been winning on the tournament for three years straight.. damn. She ain't gonna be an easy fucking bitch to beat.

But I don't doubt my girl. She might not have been training for many years straight, but she's always been talented. And that shows from how quickly she's caught up.

It's gonna be a fucking bloody fight. That's for sure.

I reached a restaurant I used to visit in the past and had some of her favorite foods. I got to pamper her a little.

"Hey, Levi! It's been a while"

I turned around to the voice I heard calling me.

"Eren..? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I used to work here, so I came for a couple of paychecks they owed me.." he explained, leaning his shoulder on the desk.

I raised an eyebrow. "I mean, what are you doing here, in town. Weren't you gone with Mikasa in Florida?"

"Ah yeah, we were, but we returned last night. We really missed home.."

"So, you're just in time for the tournament, huh? (F/n) is gonna be so happy about that."

"..the tournament?" He seemed rather confused, "..Ah, you mean the kickboxing final, right? I've forgotten that's tonight. We watched that together every year, and she'd always tell me how much she wanted to participate.." he sighed.

"Well, now you'll finally be able to watch it up close. Right from the ring."

"Huh..?" He mumbled, "wait, don't tell me (f/n) managed to find front-sit tickets! We always wanted to be there!"

Is this boy fucking stupid or just trying to get on my last nerve?

"I suppose that you can put it like that. You will be front on the ring as well, as her friend. Only that she will be inside of it."

He flinched, looking surprisingly shocked. As if he was completely clueless with what I was talking about.

"..hold up a second.. you mean to tell me, that she will actually be in the fight tonight..?"

I turned at him, similarly confused. "Wait. You don't know anything about that? But she couldn't not have told you about it, she's been training so damn hard all these months.. she's been in so many fights.."

There was a dead silence for a couple of minutes, as we were both trying to comprehend the situation.

I clicked my tongue loudly. It can't be what I'm thinking about. It can't fucking be that.

Eren's color seemed to have drained out from his face.

"..why, why wouldn't she tell you? It means so much to her.." I spit out, as my breath became slightly heavier.

He placed his hand on his forehead, pushing his hair back in distress.

"Levi.." he finally huffed, leaving a loud sigh. "She can't fight on the tournament tonight."


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^^^ really tempted to revert this story to be bout eren afterall

aye drama chapter 😌 just wait until I write the next one bbs

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