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He was a really, really muscular, slender, raven-haired man with deep blue eyes. Damn, he was too handsome, but also pretty scary looking.

"Your dumbbells aren't the only dumb thing in here.." I heard Mikasa mumbling under her breath.

"..Is that..?" I startled.

"Yep.." Sasha nodded. "Hey, Levi! Remember when I told ya you'll be having a new trainee? There she is!" She announced, pointing at me.

He turned his stare at me, observing me from bottom to top, raising his eyebrows. "Is that so.."

"Training at 6 sharp. Today. Wear light clothing. And don't be late."


"Don't make me repeat myself." He huffed. "Sasha, did you get the goddamn dumbbells or not?" He turned back at her.

"Oh right, they'll be here later today, Levi" She responded.

He clicked his tongue, as he grabbed his water bottle and turned back around.

"He's such a bastard, ain't he?" Mikasa frowned.

Sasha snickered. "He only seems like one. What do you think, (f/n)?"

"...Well.. he's quite.. straightforward." I commented. "And he said we will already begin training.. today..?''

"Oh yeah, seems like we'll see ya again later!" Sasha bumped my shoulder.

"You still have time to run away..'' Mikasa sighed.

"..Nah, I think I will give him a chance first." I smirked, pulling my hair back.

Well okay, at first impression he did seem kind of a jerk, but he might actually be good at his job. I'll trust Sasha on this.

It might just be because I find him a little hot, but I think that I first need to try out Levi, before I judge him..

It might just be because I find him a little hot, but I think that I first need to try out Levi, before I judge him

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Feisty [Trainer!Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now